P. 70

c  Read the passage and choose the correct        d  Choose the best option to complete the
             answer for the questions below.                   missing part of the passage.

          1.  According to the passage, robotic surgery        Anaesthesia is the administration of
             comprises ----.                                   medication that enables medical operations
             A)  many devices with great accuracy, flexibility,   to be painlessly performed and, in some
                 and control                                   situations, without the patient being awake
             B)  a unique camera, arms performing surgery,     during the implementation. It is employed in a
                 and small gadgets                             variety of processes, from invasive surgeries
             C)  robotic arms, cutting instruments, and a      like open-heart surgery to minor ones like
                 magnified 3D console                          tooth extraction. ---- The kind of anaesthesia
                                                               used normally depends on the procedure
             D)  motion tools in tight spaces and a            being performed, the patient’s general
                 high-definition camera                        health, how long it may take to complete,
             E)  a lot of specific materials, surgery arms, and   and the preferences of both the surgeon and
                 a camera                                      anaesthesia expert. The individual’s personal
                                                               preference is also taken into account should
                                                               their health and current circumstances permit
          2.  Which of the following is true about the         it.
             technology of robotic surgery?                    A)  The patient’s personal insistence on
             A)  It helps doctors access tough surgical areas     anaesthesia type is also assessed by
                 that are not usually possible to operate with    medical professionals, considering their
                 less pain and more accurate results.             health condition.
             B)  Although it pinpoints the area to be treated   B)  A lot of different medical experts are able
                 with a unique camera, it still needs to be       to manage surgical implementations for a
                 improved precisely.                              variety of purposes.
             C)  It lets surgeons see surgical sites with      C)  It does not matter how long the proceeding
                 enhanced definition and move more                is to last; the decision about the right
                 precisely, but sometimes it makes their jobs     anaesthesia type is crucial.
                 difficult.                                    D)  After the current health condition is
             D)  Regardless of the type of procedure carried      comprehensively evaluated, one of the four
                 out, it is always thought of as a breakthrough   types of anaesthesia is applied.
                 in the medical world.                         E)  There have been many circumstances that
             E)  It treats severe conditions affecting people’s   have influenced the procedure, especially the
                 health through small incisions in order to       doctor’s preferences.
                 prevent infections after the operation.

                                                           e  Choose the irrelevant sentence in the
          3.  One can understand from the passage that the
             patients undergoing robotic surgery ----.         passage.
             A)  come back to their daily lives with less      (I) A cavity is an area of tooth decay where
                 downtime and shorter hospital stays, and      the hard outer layer of the tooth is damaged.
                 they recover fast                             (II) Even when people follow their yearly
             B)  improve their health and struggle with        dental care routine, tooth decay is sometimes
                 diseases in a short time without having any   unavoidable. (III) Once people do not realise a
                 doubts about the system                       cavity is forming at first, it probably leads to
             C)  do not regret having an operation since       pain, mostly necessitates a dental procedure.
                 small incisions offer great results without   (IV) However, provided that the decay does
                 noticeable scars                              not cause severe pain, the dentist cleans out
             D)  undergo a process without any risk of failure   the part of the tooth that is affected, leaving a
                 and make sure that they will get better very   hole or space. (V) Then that space to even out
                 soon                                          the surface of the tooth is filled so that it comes
             E)  have less pain, better results, shorter       across as a plain tooth in the mouth and is
                                                               protected from further decay.
                 hospitalisation, and a lower risk of infection
                 with minimally invasive procedures            A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
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