P. 65
For the questions 37–40, choose the irrelevant
sentence in the passage.
37. (I) The Great Pyramids of Giza are among 39. (I) Chinampas, also known as floating gardens,
the most amazing human-made monuments are artificial farm islands built by the Aztecs
in history. (II) They were built during a time in the shallow lakes of the Valley of Mexico.
when Egypt was one of the richest and most (II) They consisted of floating rafts of reeds and
powerful civilisations in the world. (III) The king, mud anchored to the lakebed using wooden
or pharaoh, occupied a special role in ancient stakes. (III) These rafts were then piled with
Egyptian civilisation, which was reflected in the layers of mud, sand, and greenery to create
enormous scale of the pyramids. (VI) Although fertile soil for farming. (IV) They allowed farmers
their construction peaked during the late third to utilise hilly or mountainous terrain effectively,
dynasty and lasted until about the sixth maximising the available farmland. (V) They
(c 2325 BC), they were constructed from the played a significant role in supporting the growing
commencement of the Old Kingdom until the population and were an innovative solution in a
fourth century AD. (V) It is also asserted that they challenging environment.
were probably constructed by slaves, foreigners
forced into labour, and native Egyptian agricultural A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
labourers, as evidenced by the skeletons
excavated from the area.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
38. (I) Gonur Depe, located in the Murghab River 40. (I) The Anglo-Saxons, who originated from
delta in Turkmenistan, was once a thriving city northern Europe, settled in England between the
of the ancient civilisation of Margiana during the 5 and 6 centuries. (II) They spoke Old English,
Bronze Age. (II) The excavations at the site have which is the predecessor of modern English and
revealed a complex and sophisticated urban has ties to other Germanic languages, such as
settlement with a well-organised system of water Old Friesian, Old Norse, and Old High German.
supply and drainage. (III) The city had a central (III) The term ‘Anglo-Saxons’ was initially used
citadel surrounded by residential and industrial in the 8 century in order to differentiate these
areas, including a large pottery workshop. (IV) It Germanic-speaking individuals living in Britain
was discovered in the 1970s and is considered from those residing on the continent. (IV) The
one of the most important archaeological sites Anglo-Saxon period in Britain lasted from the
in Central Asia. (V) These findings suggest 5 to the 11 century and was characterised by
that Gonur Depe was an important cultural and significant cultural, social, and political changes.
economic centre in the region during its time. (V) During this era, powerful kingdoms such as
Wessex, Mercia, and Northumbria emerged, but
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V they often fought against each other.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
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