P. 64
35. The Incas thrived in the Andean region 36. The Roman aqueducts were advanced
of South America from the 13 to the 16 systems of transporting fresh water from
century. They established an empire known lakes and springs to densely populated
as Tawantinsuyu, which encompassed a regions, serving multiple purposes like human
vast territory stretching across today’s consumption, agricultural activities, and
Peru, Ecuador, Chile, and Colombia. ---- public facilities, such as fountains and thermal
Cusco, their capital, is a good example of baths. ---- This is because constructing them
their architectural skills with its magnificent demanded precise planning and complex
stonework and grand structures. Moreover, networks composed of canals, tunnels, pipes,
the Incas were skilled farmers; they used and bridges. Moreover, the Romans used a
innovative techniques to maximise crop yields mixture of stone, brick, and pozzolana, a type
and ensure the sustenance of their population. of volcanic cement, to build their aqueducts,
However, their empire fell to Spanish attacks which contributed to their durability. The use
led by Francisco Pizarro in 1533, ending the of this innovative material was a significant
Inca dominance in the region. factor in why numerous Roman aqueducts are
still standing today.
A) They were famous for their impressive
engineering skills in constructing A) The existence of aqueducts is substantiated
masterpieces of roads, bridges, and cities. by the remaining structures located in various
modern-day regions, such as France and
B) Their religious beliefs revolved around a Türkiye.
pantheon of gods, among whom the sun god
held great significance. B) Aqueducts are regarded as exceptional
engineering achievements, particularly when
C) The Inca society was governed by a considering the era in which they were built.
centralised administration with a robust
system of governance. C) The bridges built with round-shaped stone
arches are perhaps the most identifiable
D) The presence of Inca cultural elements and aspect of Roman aqueducts.
traditions continues to offer insights into their
remarkable legacy. D) Despite their antiquity, certain aqueducts
continue to operate and furnish
E) They cultivated fertile lands and made contemporary Rome with fresh water.
significant contributions to agricultural
practices like terracing and irrigation. E) The city of Rome depended solely on
approximately eleven aqueduct systems,
which transported water from sources
located kilometres away.
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