P. 62

Answer the questions 30–32 according to the
           passage below.

             The Viking Age is frequently linked with images of   31.  Which of the following is true about the Old
             fierce warriors and merciless attackers, but there   Norse language?
             is more than meets the eye with this fascinating   A)  The English language is believed to have
             period in history. The Vikings, who were from        originated from it.
             Scandinavia, what is now Norway, Denmark,
             and Sweden, were a group of seafaring raiders     B)  It was originally spoken by the British and
             and traders that existed between the 8  and 11       Irish people in ancient times.
             centuries. The lack of cultivable land and the    C)  There were multiple dialects of it spoken on
             high population density in Scandinavia forced        the European continent.
             the Vikings to leave their homeland and search
             for alternate territories to settle and sustain their   D)  It played a significant role in the development
             livelihood. Initially, their attention was directed   of modern European languages.
             towards neighbouring and well-known regions       E)  It continues to serve as a viable means of
             like Britain and Ireland. However, subsequently,     communication in the modern era.
             they crossed a substantial part of the North
             Atlantic, reaching as far south as North Africa
             and east as Russia. Consequently, the Vikings
             were considered pioneers in exploring and
             visiting all four continents of Europe, Asia,
             Africa, and America. Apart from that, they were
             a complex and multifaceted people with a rich
             cultural heritage. Their influence on European
             culture and civilisation was noteworthy as they
             introduced new customs, languages, and ideas
             to the continent. One of their most significant
             contributions was the Old Norse language,
             which served as the basis for many modern
             Scandinavian languages, such as Swedish,
             Danish, and Norwegian, and still has a significant
             impact on the English language today.

          30.  According to the passage, the Vikings ----.  32.  According to the passage, why did the Vikings
                                                               leave their homeland initially?
             A)  left their original land and created new
                 communities in Norway, Denmark, and           A)  They felt the need to conquer new territories,
                 Sweden                                           as they were fierce warriors and merciless
             B)  were a minority group of traders, originated
                 from the Scandinavian region                  B)  They were attracted by the nearby and
                                                                  famous areas such as Britain and Ireland.
             C)  possessed great navigation skills, which
                 allowed them to travel and trade across vast   C)  They were looking for land that could be
                 distances                                        used for farming so that they could support
             D)  were fierce warriors and showed no mercy
                 towards their enemies                         D)  They wanted to discover new lands and visit
                                                                  places that they had never been to before.
             E)  gained a great deal of knowledge and
                 understanding from the culture and            E)  They wanted to explore the culture and
                 civilisation of Europe                           civilisation of Europe with the aim of
                                                                  discovering new customs and ideas.

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