P. 57


           For the questions 1–10, choose the best word
           or expression to fill the space.

          1.  Ancient Mesopotamia, often referred to as the   6.  Though some sites or artefacts are sometimes
             cradle of civilisation, witnessed remarkable      uncovered accidentally, archaeologists
             ---- in agriculture and urban development,        usually find them by ---- examining aerial
             along with the establishment of complex           photos and using various types of radar.
             political systems.                                A) delicately      B) allegedly
             A) architectures     B) traditions
                                                               C) undoubtedly     D) vibrantly
             C) breakthroughs      D) antiquities
                                                                         E) diversely
                        E) mysteries

          2.  Some nations’ rich cultural ---- has been    7.  According to the religion ---- by the Egyptians,
             passed down through generations, allowing         after death, the pharaohs of Egypt, members
             their members to appreciate and embrace           of the nobility, and officials were usually
             diverse traditions.                               mummified and buried in elaborate tombs.
             A) commerce        B) dignity                     A) maintained      B) cultivated
             C) heritage        D) determination               C) astonished      D) replicated
                        E) healing                                       E) adopted

          3.  Today’s ---- scientists warn that civilisation   8.  Evidence ---- that Göbeklitepe is almost
             is confronted by critical issues driven by        10,000–11,000 years old, which makes it the
             overpopulation, excessive consumption, and        world’s oldest temple, whose history dates
             environmentally hazardous technologies.           back to the Neolithic Period.
             A) abundant        B) magical                     A) appreciates     B) revolutionises
             C) ancestral       D) renowned                    C) uncovers        D) incorporates
                        E) fertile                                       E) constructs

          4.  During the Palaeolithic Era, the earliest    9.  The Sumerians are ---- as the very first
             modern European people in the fossil record       calendar inventors, who divided a year into
             left behind a variety of ---- objects, such as    12 lunar months, each consisting of 29 or 30
             tools, gravesites, and works of art.              days.
             A) equitable       B) unprecedented               A) based on         B) looked upon
             C) immortal        D) sustainable                 C) descended from    D) passed down
                        E) prosperous                                    E) engaged in

          5.  Confucius was a teacher, philosopher,        10.  The earliest civilisations developed between
             and political theorist whose ideas have ‑‑‑‑      4000 and 3000 BC, when the rise of agriculture
             influenced the civilisations of China and other   and trade allowed people to have surplus food
             East Asian countries.                             and economic stability; however, they also ----
             A) intricately       B) earnestly                 catastrophic events like wars.
                                                               A) stood out        B) set up
             C) sustainably     D) tremendously
                                                               C) derived from           D) lived through
                        E) resiliently
                                                                         E) relied on
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