P. 52

c  Read the passage and choose the correct        d  Choose the best option to complete the
             answer for the questions below.                   missing part of the passage.

          1.  It is pointed out in the passage that cuneiform   The Silk Road was an ancient network of
             ----.                                             trade routes that spanned from China to
             A)  was a magical system of symbols that helped   the Mediterranean Sea. It was named after
                 preserve the Sumerian heritage for future     Chinese silk, which was the most sought-after
                 generations                                   commodity traded along the route. However,
             B)  gave voice to the mute whispers of history,   a variety of other goods, such as spices, tea,
                 allowing us to gain insight into the lives of the   ivory, porcelain, and precious stones, were
                 Sumerians                                     also traded. The Silk Road served not only
             C)  marked the dawn of literature and the         as a commercial hub but also as a cultural
                                                               melting pot. ---- This facilitated the spread of
                 tradition of creating myths passed orally from   inventions like papermaking and gunpowder
                 generation to generation                      from China to the rest of the world, making
             D)  was an important tool for record-keeping and   it an essential contributor to shaping the
                 communication, especially for the pioneering   world’s history and promoting globalisation.
                 figures in Sumer
             E)  helped the Sumerians document all the rules   A)  It was frequented by travellers and diplomats
                 of their country and the things that happened    who encountered diverse belief systems
                 to them in the past                              across Eurasia.
                                                               B)  Diseases were also spread along the Silk
          2.  One can understand from the passage that ----.      Road, including the infamous Black Death,
             A)  the irrigation systems devised by the            which devastated Europe in the 14  century.
                 Sumerians were flawless in terms of           C)  People from different regions interacted,
                 efficiency and water management                  shared traditions, and exchanged ideas and
             B)  the Sumerians’ skills in metallurgy were         technologies.
                 extraordinary and their art shows how         D)  Caravanserais, or roadside inns, were
                 innovative they were                             established in strategic locations to provide
             C)  the Sumerians’ farming techniques allowed        shelter and services for traders and their
                 them to produce surplus crops that they          animals.
                 traded for other goods                        E)  The introduction of horses to China
             D)  by forging exquisite tools and weapons           enhanced the power of the Mongol Empire,
                 of war, the Sumerians became unrivalled          while Chinese gunpowder revolutionised
                                                                  warfare across the globe.
                 master craftsmen
             E)  the Sumerians harnessed the power of the
                 plough to make farming more productive and
                 practical                                 e  Choose the irrelevant sentence in the
          3.  Which of the following could be the main idea
             of this passage?                                  (I) Belonging to the Anatolian branch of the
             A)  Written language and the plough are the       Indo-European family, Luwian is an ancient
                 two most crucial breakthroughs to have        language that was spoken by the Luwian people
                 happened during the time of the Sumerians.    who once lived in central, western, and southern
             B)  The Sumerians made significant                Anatolia. (II) Luwian is known for its unique
                 contributions to human history through their   hieroglyphic script, which was used from the 14
                 innovations in different fields.              to the 8  century BC. (III) Although the language
             C)  The system of trade and commerce the          is no longer spoken, it has left an important legacy
                 Sumerians developed did little to help them   in the form of inscriptions, texts, and religious
                 achieve economic dominance.                   documents. (IV) They provide valuable insights
             D)  Known for their advancements in agriculture,   into the culture, religion, and political organisation
                                                               of the Luwians, as well as their interactions with
                 the Sumerians were able to support a          neighbouring states. (V) The Luwians used to
                 growing population.                           share a border with the Hittites, with whom they
             E)  The Sumerians were a warlike civilisation,    had close cultural and linguistic ties.
                 and their metal weapons were some of the
                 most advanced of their time.                  A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
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