P. 56

c  Read the passage and choose the correct        d  Choose the best option to complete the
             answer for the questions below.                   missing part of the passage.

          1.  It is pointed out in the passage that ancient    Following the death of Alexander the Great and
             Greeks ----.                                      the spread of Hellenistic culture throughout
             A)  were the ones to initially use logical and    the Mediterranean, Roman art and literature
                 reasonable thinking, which later became the   became distinctly influenced by Greek
                 basis for modern philosophy                   traditions. Greek literature, which had evolved
             B)  were inspired by the culture of the Western   from oral storytelling by figures such as Homer
                 world, which helped them to develop their     and Hesiod to the works of playwrights like
                 philosophy, art, and literature               Sophocles and Aristophanes, had a significant
             C)  improved their political system by studying   impact on Roman writers and citizens alike. ----
                                                               The content of these works is largely centred
                 and adopting the effective methods used by    on Greek mythology and the narratives present
                 other societies, such as democracy            in Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey.
             D)  imitated the architectural style used in other
                 parts of the world when building government   A)  The earliest known Latin literature was mainly
                 buildings and monuments                          made up of adaptations of Greek literary
             E)  were the only ones who made a meaningful         works, with a particular emphasis on dramatic
                 contribution to the field of architecture of all   plays.
                 the ancient civilisations                     B)  Roman literature differs from Greek literature
                                                                  in incorporating the elements of dignity and
                                                                  tragedy to make its characters relatable to all
                                                                  social classes.
                                                               C)  The earliest play written in the Latin language
          2.  Which of the following statements is true           was created by Livius Andronicus, a Greek
             according to the passage?                            man who had been enslaved by the Romans.
             A)  The Parthenon, which is situated on the       D)  In the late Roman Republic, there were
                 Acropolis in Athens, is the sole surviving       various unique and original literary voices that
                 example of Greek architecture.                   emerged in diverse genres without imitating
             B)  Stoas were roofed structures that were           the Greek works.
                 intended for public use and were commonly     E)  Prior to 240 BC, the Romans created various
                 utilised as commercial venues.                   types of written records such as law codes,
             C)  Greek architecture was primarily based on        agreements, and contracts.
                 constructing large temples and government
                 buildings with tall columns and intricate   e  Choose the irrelevant sentence in the
                 detailing.                                    passage.
             D)  In ancient Greece, amphitheatres were
                 utilised not only as platforms for artistic   (I) Anglo-Saxon art, known for its preference
                 performances but also as venues for public    for bright and vivid colours, has mainly been
                 gatherings and sporting events.               preserved through metalwork and architecture.
             E)  The ancient Greeks constructed their unique   (II) Their metalwork, comprised of jewellery and
                 structures, such as temples, gymnasiums,      armour designed in the Germanic style, was
                 courthouses, and sports arenas, exclusively   typically found in burial sites. (III) The Staffordshire
                 within the city of Athens.                    Hoard, which was discovered in 2009, is a
                                                               remarkable collection of Anglo-Saxon jewellery,
                                                               consisting of over 3,500 gold and silver pieces
                                                               that were supposedly buried in the 7  century.
                                                               (IV) Other popular types of jewellery from this
          3.  The passage mainly focuses on ----.              era included brooches that were used to fasten
             A)  everyday life, beliefs, and myths of ancient   clothing and necklaces made of beads. (V) The
                 Greeks                                        intricate designs and precious materials in the
             B)  different forms of ancient Greek art          hoard testify to the wealth and power of the
             C)  architecture and art in ancient Greece        Anglo-Saxon elite, while the animal motifs
             D)  science and wisdom in ancient Greece          are thought to have symbolised strength and
             E)  ancient Greeks’ contributions to Western
                 culture                                       A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
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