P. 51

3.2  ASIA

                                             The Sumerians:
                  Ancient Visionaries Who Shaped the Modern World

             The Sumerians are looked upon  as one of the earliest civilisations in human history, credited with numerous
             groundbreaking developments that laid the foundation for modern civilisation. One of the most noteworthy  (2)
             among these was their invention of cuneiform, the first system of writing, which allowed them to record their
             history and laws. This was a significant breakthrough  in communication and is considered to be a major
             milestone in the development of written language. They also invented the plough, which revolutionised
             agriculture by allowing farmers to till the soil more efficiently. This, in turn, led to the development of irrigation
             systems, enabling them to grow crops on an unprecedented  scale; hence, they could nourish their people
             with abundant harvests and support a growing population. Moreover, they adeptly  practised metallurgy and
             produced advanced tools and weapons made of bronze, copper, and various other metals. In addition to the
             Sumerians’ contributions to writing, agriculture, and metallurgy, they also set up  a complex system of trade
             and commerce that helped them achieve economic dominance. Through their phenomenal inventions, they
             integrally  shaped the course of human history. These game-changing contributions are just a few examples
             of the Sumerians’ impact on civilisation, as a result of which they continue to be recognised as trailblazers,
             leaving a lasting effect on early human history. Their legacy continues to inspire us to innovate  (10)  and create
             new things just as they did thousands of years ago.
         a  Choose the synonyms of the highlighted and numbered words and phrases in the passage.

             1.   A inspect           B consider            C ignore             D admire
             2.   A remarkable        B implausible         C invincible         D dependable

             3.   A ineptitude        B cleverness          C proficiency        D advancement

             4.   A constrain         B transform           C alternate          D discontinue
             5.   A unprepared        B unnoticeable        C unparalleled       D unidentifiable

             6.   A skilfully         B elegantly           C tactfully          D candidly
             7.   A oppose            B abandon             C regard             D establish

             8.   A disastrously      B triumphantly        C passionately       D fundamentally
             9.   A pioneer           B apprentice          C novice             D caretaker

            10.   A negotiate         B graduate            C originate          D navigate
         b  Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words given below.

                                      innovate                     trailblazer
                        adeptly                      integrally                unprecedented

             1.   The ancient Mesopotamians became              at irrigating the land by using canals, which
                 enabled them to cultivate crops in areas that were otherwise too dry.
             2.   The Antikythera mechanism of ancient Greece is a notable example of technological   ,
                 as it was the world’s first known analogue computer employed for calculating the positions of planets
                 and eclipses.
             3.   Cuneiform writing was a(n)             part of ancient Mesopotamian civilisation, used for
                 record-keeping, buying and selling goods, and communication.
             4.   The efficiency of transportation and trade       increased with the introduction of the wheel,
                 allowing for the expansion of commerce and the development of early urban civilisations.
             5.   Queen Enheduanna was a(n)               female figure of the Akkadian Empire in that she was
                 the first known author and poet in history whose works were highly influential in shaping Mesopotamian
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