P. 49


                                The Ancient Egyptian Civilisation

             Ancient Egypt, located along the Nile River in northeast Africa, dates from the 4  millennium BC. It was a
             prominent civilisation that left numerous monuments like pyramids, temples, and tombs, along with various
             artworks. These artefacts are still being investigated by experts today and hold fascination as archaeological
             findings uncover their mysteries. These findings suggest that the Egyptians were probably descended from
             settlers from Nubia, Libya, and especially the Middle East who moved to the Nile Valley in prehistoric times.
             They were tremendously engaged in agriculture, and fundamental wealth came from the productive floodplain
             of the Nile Valley, in particular the river’s annual flooding, which ensured nutrient-rich and fertile soil for growing
             food. On the other hand, early Egypt’s cultural lifestyle frequently depended on their religion. The Egyptians
             adopted a polytheistic religion where many gods and goddesses were venerated. The pharaohs, rulers of the
             country, were also regarded as divine representatives on earth who maintained the continuity of life through
             rituals and became immortal, joining the gods in the afterlife. The Egyptians also believed that human existence
             in life and death was tied to the body and the soul. Therefore, the customs of preserving bodies, such as
             mummification and burial in tombs, were designed to help the dead find their way in the afterlife. The tombs
             were packed with food, domestic wares, tools, and treasures—all the requirements of life—to ensure the soul’s
             return to the body. By doing so, the deceased would allegedly live in happiness forever after.
          a  Match the highlighted words and phrases in the passage to the definitions below.

             1.               : living or lasting forever
             2.               : a collection of valuable things such as gold, silver, and jewellery
             3.               : as someone has claimed but not proved
             4.               : to be related to somebody who lived a long time ago
             5.               : to accept or start to use something new
             6.               : to find out about something that was previously hidden or secret
             7.               : to have existed since a particular time in the past or for the length of time mentioned
             8.               : an accepted way of behaving or of doing things in a society or a community
             9.               : important or well known
            10.               : to a very great degree

          b  Circle the correct option that cannot be the synonym of the underlined words in the sentences.

             1.   The signs on the carvings in the latest archaeological excavation, according to experts, reflect the customs
                 of the alleged civilisation.
                 A) characteristics                  B) habits                       C) suspicions                 D) practices
             2.   People allegedly state that the Egyptian civilisation still keeps the secrets of its origins, religion, and
                 monumental architecture.
                 A) reportedly           B) supposedly               C) frankly             D) assertedly
             3.   The new regulations related to protecting early archaeological sites were unanimously adopted by the
                 attendees of the meeting.
                 A) proved                              B) embraced                   C) endorsed                   D) approved

             4.   The artist working on the paintings for the exhibition of ancient history claims to be descended from a noble
                 British family.
                 A) diminished                        B) born                 C) originated                  D) derived
             5.   The Egyptian pyramids, which are the most famous of all the ancient monuments, have been waiting to
                 uncover many mysteries of their legacy.
                 A) explore                             B) reveal                       C) disclose                     D) hide
             6.   In many early cultures, people believed that the lives of some rulers continued after death, considering
                 them to be immortal.
                 A) eternal                             B) persistent                    C) endless                     D) enduring

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