P. 47
For the questions 37–40, choose the irrelevant
sentence in the passage.
37. (I) Orienteering is an exciting and challenging 39. (I) Interactive games can provide an enjoyable
group of sports that requires navigational skills and engaging way to incorporate physical activity
using a highly detailed map and compass to into daily life. (II) Playing interactive games for
navigate between the marked control points on extended periods of time may lead to physical
the map while moving quickly across unfamiliar health problems such as eye strain, headaches,
terrain. (II) Anywhere from remote forests and and muscular disorders. (III) Many interactive
countryside to urban areas, parks, and school games involve full-body movements—for
playgrounds are suitable for this activity. example, jumping, running, or punching, which
(III) The main aim is to create the best route to can help improve physical coordination.
complete the competition in the quickest time (IV) Some of them also cover resistance training,
and most accurate way to find the control points including lifting weights or using resistance
on the given map. (IV) The descriptions on the bands, which can enhance muscle strength
map are typically presented as symbols with and endurance. (V) Through the combination of
an international standard or, for beginners, as exercise and entertainment, interactive games
written words. (V) No matter how young, old, fit, can encourage people to be more active, improve
experienced, or competitive people are, they can their physical fitness, and promote a healthy
choose a course to suit them and go at their own lifestyle.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
38. (I) Leisure and entertainment provide us with 40. (I) Upcycling, the process of transforming old or
much-needed downtime and opportunities to have discarded items into something new and useful,
fun and recharge. (II) There are countless ways has been a popular trend in recent years.
to enjoy our free time, whether travelling to new (II) Recycling, on the other hand, is the process
places, trying new hobbies, or simply relaxing of breaking down materials to be reused in
with a good book or film. (III) On the other hand, their simplest form. (III) This could mean using
leisure pursuits pave the way for developing reclaimed wood or repurposing old furniture
new skills, interests, and hobbies that enrich our pieces to create something unique. (IV) The thrill
lives. (IV) Engaging in sports or outdoor activities of creating one-of-a-kind pieces from items that
can also help us stay active and maintain our are no longer useful, such as old doors or vintage
physical health, while gaming or social media suitcases, drives many to this hobby. (V) The
can be a fun way to connect with others and stay upcycling process involves sanding down the old
entertained. (V) No matter how we choose to piece, fixing any damage, and adding a new coat
spend our leisure time, making time for ourselves of paint or upholstery to get a completely fresh
and prioritising activities that bring us joy and look.
fulfilment is important.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
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