P. 43

Answer the questions 27–29 according to the
           passage below.

             Making online videos, whether for personal or   28.  It can be inferred from the passage that
             professional purposes, comes with both pros       making online videos ----.
             and cons. One of the advantages is creating a     A)  does not provide opportunities for creators
             community sharing similar interests or passions,     to get in touch with people sharing similar
             which may let producers gain recognition and         interests
             build careers. Yet, it needs a lot of effort, such
             as identifying the target audience and creating   B)  is a tiring and time-consuming process, but
             the content according to their interests and         it usually ends up with success, wealth, and
             preferences. Researching popular trends and          worldwide fame
             topics and using engaging visuals and sound       C)  requires too much effort and time, but
             effects to catch the audience’s attention are        anyone with some technical skills can afford
             time-consuming processes. Filming and editing        this low-cost activity
             videos are also weighty matters, as they can
             determine the overall quality and impact of       D)  may have some negative outcomes,
             the content. Many online video creators use          although it is a charming activity for creators
             specialised equipment, such as high-quality          to achieve popularity
             cameras and microphones, to enhance the quality   E)  might result in low self-esteem, as it is nearly
             of the final product. However, investing in          impossible to receive attention for every
             high-quality equipment and software can be           video made
             expensive, making it a costly activity for creators,
             which must be taken into consideration before
             taking it up as a hobby. Creators can also be
             subject to negative feedback and criticism; this
             may sometimes have a destructive effect on
             their self-confidence and motivation to continue
             creating videos. Although making videos is
             a rewarding and engaging activity for those
             interested in creating content, it is crucial to weigh
             the potential outcomes before investing time and
             money into this activity.

          27.  Which of the following is a potential downside   29.  It is pointed out in the passage that ----.
             of making online videos?
                                                               A)  investing in specialised gear may have
             A)  It requires high investment in technical gear.   devastating effects on creators’ states of
                                                                  mind, however wealthy or popular they are
             B)  It cannot help creators with building a career.
                                                               B)  encountering adverse feedback and criticism
             C)  Creators reach less followers than expected.
                                                                  may determine the quality and impact of the
             D)  Taking it up as a hobby brings a bad             content on the target audience
                                                               C)  sharing similar interests and preferences
             E)  It lowers self-confidence and motivation.        results in being a community; however, it is
                                                                  always hard to catch everyone’s attention
                                                               D)  using captivating visuals and sound effects
                                                                  requires technical skills, which is why some
                                                                  creators prefer to buy software
                                                               E)  considering both the positive and negative
                                                                  aspects of making online videos before
                                                                  committing to the activity is critical

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