P. 41

Answer the questions 21–23 according to the
           passage below.

             Leisure time is a prize that people most likely   22.  According to the passage, both groups ----.
             look forward to enjoying, believing that the more
             time off they get, the better their lives will be.   A)  have the ability to find ways to change their
             Most people think taking pleasure in free time       attitudes towards time off that could be
                                                                  beneficial for everyone
             comes naturally; however, research reveals that
             having time off and planning how to spend it      B)  struggle to enhance happiness by taking
             can be stressful for two groups of people. The       pleasure in leisure in order to sort out their
             first group thinks leisure time is not worthwhile    lives
             and sees it as a waste of time. They usually      C)  prioritise productivity to the extent that they
             work in high-paying jobs and value productivity      cannot enjoy time off, often to the detriment
             to the point where they cannot relish their free     of their mental health
             time, frequently at the expense of their mental
             health. On the other hand, the second group,      D)  have trouble enjoying leisure because of
             which experiences intense pressure to make           how they view and value it despite having
             the best decisions about how to spend leisure,       different problems
             such as doing more research, considering more     E)  try to maximise their leisure expectations to
             predictions, and spending more money, has a lot      the extent that boosts the quality of their lives
             of stress. Therefore, they are unable to enjoy that
             time, living in conflict over what they think is best.
             In both cases, the fear of not using relaxation time
             effectively, whether by seeking an extravagant
             experience or being extraordinarily productive,
             holds people back from the very purpose of
             leisure. Maybe the only proper way to spend
             free time is to relax, let your guard down, create
             lasting memories, and believe that the pieces will
             fall into place.

          21.  Which of the following is true about the    23.  One can conclude from the passage that the
             people in the first group?                        author mainly ----.
             A)  They have enormous work to do in their daily   A)  informs the reader how people perceive and
                 lives; therefore, there is no use in having      value leisure has changed problematically
                 leisure time.                                    due to their stressful lives

             B)  Seeing that they pay close attention to       B)  points out that the most prominent moment
                 production, they are stressed and frequently     of leisure is letting the problems out naturally
                 lose their mental health.
                                                               C)  criticises people for not considering the
             C)  Hard as they work in high-paying jobs, they      primary purpose of leisure, which hinders
                 are not able to spend money on leisure to        them from enjoying the moment
                 feel better.
                                                               D)  emphasises that people should spend
             D)  As far as they are concerned, leisure hinders    each moment of leisure relaxing; having
                 them from producing and is not worthwhile.       memorable moments is a must

             E)  They take pleasure in both work and leisure   E)  highlights the benefits and drawbacks of the
                 since they take the expenses of the latter for   two groups’ points of view on leisure time

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