P. 36
c Read the passage and choose the correct d Choose the best word or expression to fill
answer for the questions below. the spaces in the passage.
1. Which of the following is true about bread Scale modelling is constructing models from kits,
making? where intricate parts (1)‑‑‑‑ together to create
A) To get a better feel for the measurements three-dimensional objects like aeroplanes, cars,
and be able to bake more accurately, you ships, trains, and more. The process of building a
should practise more. model can take you (2)‑‑‑‑ many different stages,
B) Making bread is not a simple task because it from choosing the right model and assembling it,
requires time, precision, and patience. to painting and detailing it, but the time it takes to
C) The shutdown of bakeries during the complete your model depends on the complexity
of the kit you have chosen. Scale modelling is a
pandemic lockdowns led people to start fun and creative activity that allows you to make
baking their own bread. unique objects that can be shared with others
D) More people are becoming resourceful and or (3)‑‑‑‑ in your home. It can also be done on a
finding ways to bake their own bread using large scale; however, such tasks require good
what they have at home. manual dexterity (4)‑‑‑‑ time and patience. (5)‑‑‑‑,
E) By adding various flavours, you can improve it is important to develop one’s hand skills to
the quality of your bread and impress your complete the models accurately and efficiently.
loved ones.
A) are put B) were put
C) have been put D) had been put
E) were being put
2. One can infer from the passage that ----.
A) the fast pace of modern life often means that
people have little time for their loved ones 2.
because they are always busy A) towards B) between
B) the pandemic has forced people to stay C) among D) through
indoors and has prevented them from
socialising and fulfilling themselves E) below
C) the lockdown period gave people a chance
to take a break to consider their feelings and 3.
focus on what they really want A) broadcast B) displayed
D) people have turned to indoor activities in
order to keep themselves entertained due to C) exhibited D) publicised
their packed schedules E) advertised
E) there is a distinct lack of variety and
enjoyment to be found in indoor activities 4.
when compared to outdoor activities
A) rather than B) instead of
C) as well as D) except for
E) regardless of
3. What is the author’s attitude towards the 5.
pandemic lockdowns? A) Instead B) Nevertheless
A) Sarcastic C) On the contrary D) However
B) Supportive
C) Disapproving E) Therefore
D) Sceptical
E) Humorous
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