P. 38

c  Read the passage and choose the correct        d  Choose the best option to complete the
             answer for the questions below.                   missing part of the passage.

          1.  According to the passage, outdoor activities     Paragliding is an adrenaline‑fuelled aerial
             ----.                                             sport that allows people to run off the slopes
             A)  give people a prominent opportunity to        with free parachutes, which is generally
                 overcome whatever problems they have and      known as a risky outdoor activity. However,
                 heal people effortlessly                      one of the first things to be clear about it is
             B)  expose people to new terrain and challenge    that paragliding is not dangerous and has
                 them to leave their comfort zone, helping     nothing to do with parachuting. Namely, it is
                 them gain skills like problem-solving         not an exaggerated experience; it is about
             C)  help people become aware of their health      experiencing what it is to fly, which means
                                                               feeling like a bird going through the skies. ----
                 and provide many physical, emotional, and     Nevertheless, the truth is that it is one of the
                 psychological benefits                        safest aerial activities, but flying is something
             D)  efficiently heal people’s wounds because      that arouses fear and nervousness in most
                 they are thrilling, exciting, and joyful, which   people.
                 arouses positive feelings
             E)  enable people to notice their personal        A)  Adventurous people are frequently surprised
                 weaknesses and problems while making             by how unsafe and stressed they feel before
                 them aware of their inner power                  and during the flight.
                                                               B)  First-timers often describe their flight as
                                                                  breathtaking, saying they fulfilled their dream
                                                                  of flying like a bird.
                                                               C)  Once people feel their feet take off the
          2.  One can understand from the passage that the        ground, they realise they are completely
             human body and mind ----.                            suspended in the air.
             A)  can maintain a healthy balance between        D)  People should, however, have all the
                 human relationships and work collaboratively     information they need and a better idea
             B)  do not work in harmony nowadays owing to         of what to expect from the paragliding
                 spending too much time in front of screens       experience.
             C)  should build a temporary balance between      E)  It is more accessible than other extreme
                 humans’ physical, and psychological health       sports because it does not require an
             D)  are in need of refreshing themselves to          exceptional takeoff or landing track.
                 sustain the functions of physiological and
                 mental health
             E)  cannot overcome the problems occurring on
                 busy days without outdoor activities      e  Choose the irrelevant sentence in the

                                                               (I) Backpacking is a low-cost outdoor recreational
                                                               activity that involves hiking while carrying clothing,
          3.  Which of the following can be said about         food, and camping equipment in a backpack.
             participating in outdoor activities?              (II) It is usually practised by adventurers in the
             A)  It exposes people to new challenges and       wilderness to get to areas inaccessible by car or
                 terrain, which greatly boosts their awareness.  day hike. (III) In excursion planning, backpackers
             B)  It requires people to come together to share   must consider vital conditions such as food,
                 enjoyable moments that arouse creativity.     water, terrain, climate, and weather. (IV) They
             C)  It decreases the ability to use critical thinking   are also supposed to have adequate practice
                 and problem-solving skills and offers a       and physical conditioning, knowledge of survival
                 balanced life.                                techniques and camping, and a selection of
             D)  It feeds the feelings of thrill, excitement,   lightweight equipment consistent with safety and
                                                               comfort. (V) In particular, given that backpacking
                 and joy; therefore, there is no need to have   adventurers have to carry their gear, the total
                 anything else.                                weight of their bag and its contents should be
             E)  It develops self-esteem, self-confidence, and   their primary concern.
                 creativity, along with problem-solving and
                 critical thinking skills.                     A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
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