P. 39


           For the questions 1–10, choose the best word
           or expression to fill the space.

          1.  Extreme sports provide an excellent way to   6.  Some researchers discovered a correlation
             build physical strength and mental ----, which    between increased screen time and a decline
             are key skills to cope with any difficult events   in sleep quality; however, they were unable to
             in life.                                          ---- affirm that the digital realm posed a threat
             A) precision       B) sensation                   to one’s mental well-being.
                                                               A) skilfully       B) unanimously
             C) resilience      D) inception
                                                               C) cautiously      D) possibly
                        E) resolution
                                                                         E) delicately

          2.  In today’s fast-paced world, hiking offers   7.  The indoor activity market is constantly
             a much‑needed ‑‑‑‑, allowing individuals          evolving as more and more individuals look
             to disconnect from the outside world and          for entertaining and educational pastimes to
             reconnect with themselves and nature.             ---- in the comfort of their own homes.
             A) phenomenon      B) schedule                    A) undertake       B) attend
             C) passion         D) respite                     C) encounter       D) pursue
                        E) reduction                                     E) overcome

          3.  ‑‑‑‑ video games offer players a sense of    8.  Many game developers offer their games
             presence, allowing them to feel as if they are    for free with the revenue generated through
             really inside the game world using various        in-game purchases and advertising, thereby
             techniques, such as realistic graphics and        allowing a wider audience to ---- those games.
             dynamic sound effects.                            A) achieve         B) release
             A) Recreational    B) Colossal                    C) prevent         D) forbid

             C) Immersive       D) Affordable                            E) access
                        E) Altered

          4.  Whether it is through rudimentary activities   9.  Outdoor recreational activities ‑‑‑‑ the
             like board games or more ---- pursuits like       physical, mental, and social needs of
             coding workshops, there is something for          individuals, especially those who are feeling
             everyone to enjoy when it comes to hobbies.       overwhelmed and looking for a break from
             A) intricate       B) adequate                    their busy lives.
                                                               A) result in       B) add to
             C) realistic       D) hectic
                                                               C) take over       D) run off
                        E) efficient
                                                                         E) cater for

          5.  Hobbies can provide people with complete     10.  During the pandemic, many individuals could
             pleasure, but if they find an activity that ----   ---- the benefits of online learning courses
             suits their personalities and interests, they     over traditional methods due to the absence
             will enjoy it even more.                          of additional costs, such as transportation.
             A) genuinely       B) annually                    A) account for     B) figure out
             C) inevitably      D) gradually                   C) take over       D) run into
                        E) collaboratively                               E) fit in
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