P. 31

2.1  GAMES

                 Video Gaming: From Arcade Halls to Your Fingertips

             The realm of video gaming has undergone a remarkable transformation since its inception   in the late 1950s.
             The first games were rudimentary,  kilobyte-sized programs with pixellated graphics, usually played on big
             machines located in arcade halls. Over time, however, video gaming has progressed into a colossal revenue
             generator, accounting for   billions of dollars annually. Since the graphics have become incredibly   realistic
             thanks to the advancements in both hardware and software technology, the file sizes of modern games can run
             into tens of gigabytes. Moreover, video games have also transformed over the years in terms of gameplay, from
             simple arcade-style games to complex narratives   and quests that can keep players glued to their screens
             for a long period of time. Instead of just trying to achieve high scores, players can now immerse themselves
             in rich, intricately   structured worlds with their own set of rules and characters. These changes have also
             made gaming more accessible   than ever, with devices that can fit in the palm of a hand. Smartphones and
             tablets have, without a doubt, broadened the pool of potential gamers to those who may have been previously
             excluded   due to a lack of access to consoles or PCs. The increasing popularity of e-sports has also
             added to   the growth of video gaming, with professional gaming tournaments drawing huge crowds and
             offering large cash prizes. As a result, video gaming has evolved  (10)  into a truly global phenomenon enjoyed by
             people of all ages and from all walks of life.
          a  Choose the correct meaning of the highlighted and numbered words and phrases in the
             1.   A something new that happens               6.   A without paying careful attention
                 B the starting point of an activity             B in a very complex or detailed way
                 C the state that something is in                C in a way that is not organised well
             2.   A not highly or fully developed            7.   A not intimately related
                 B important but somehow hidden                  B easy to get and use
                 C forming an essential element                  C more than adequate
             3.   A to form the total of something           8.   A to let someone leave a place
                 B to depend on a particular amount              B to send someone far away
                 C to be the reason of something                 C to deny access to a privilege
             4.   A in a very strange way                    9.   A to increase something in amount or size
                 B to a very high degree                         B to be made from two or more things
                 C in an illogical manner                        C to reckon or calculate a figure or amount
             5.   A a phrase with a special meaning          10.  A to bring or put into operation
                 B a piece of writing that is published          B to completely change something
                 C a story or a description of events            C to develop slowly over time
          b  Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words given below.

                                  evolve                   incredibly                narrative
                   accessible                 exclude                   intricately

             1.   The             puzzles and complex gameplay mechanics of most newly released video games
                 challenge even the most skilled players.
             2.   Game developers should attach priority to      features to ensure that a wide range of players
                 can enjoy their games.
             3.   Since educational games make learning fun and engaging for students, using them in the classroom is of
             4.   The             of video games from simple pixels to 3D virtual worlds is a truly remarkable
                 technological advancement.
             5.                in multiplayer games can lead to negative experiences for players who are left out or
                 unfairly treated, so game developers should try to create inclusive environments.
             6.   Video games that           the story from the main character’s perspective allow players to connect
                 more closely with the protagonist and become fully engrossed in the game’s world.
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