P. 28
35. As a result of global warming, the ice in polar 36. Iceland generates 85% of its primary energy
regions has been melting gradually for years. from renewable sources. Geothermal energy
The sea level is projected to rise by up to 1.1 is the leading energy source in Iceland thanks
metres in many regions by 2100, which would to its large number of volcanoes and hot
cause lands to be flooded. ---- The Dutch, springs, which provide an abundant source of
for example, have become world models for hot underground water. This water is used to
using hydro engineering technology to keep generate both power and direct use, such as
the Netherlands safe from erosion. They have heating homes. Geothermal power facilities
built a giant steel barrier to hold seawater currently generate 25% of Iceland’s total
back, and by doing this, they have not only electricity, making them a major contributor to
been protected from erosion but also gained a its energy mix. ---- This would make Iceland a
lot of land. leader in sustainability among other countries.
A) Some countries are aware of the fact that the A) By 2050, the country plans to replace
Earth is getting warmer and warmer every the remaining 15% of fossil fuels used
day due to climate change. in the transport and fishing sectors with
B) The Japanese, whose diet depends
mostly on seafood, will face the economic B) The leftover water is used for snow-melting
consequences of this situation sooner or systems to prevent the streets and walkways
later. from being icy in the winter.
C) In case of a sudden sharp decrease in global C) Geothermal energy comes from the natural
temperature, coastal countries will have to heat of the Earth, which is created by the
take immediate technological precautions. natural decay of radioactive elements.
D) Many acres of coastal land are lost each D) Hydropower is also common in Iceland due
year, and some coastal nations have been to the high concentration of glacial rivers and
struggling hard to preserve their homeland waterfalls in the country.
from seawater.
E) However, there are still some areas that are
E) The major reason why some nations develop too remote or rural to have the necessary
the highest technology in hydro engineering infrastructure for accessing geothermal
is to provide more land for their country. power.
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