P. 26

Answer the questions 30–32 according to the
           passage below.

             As global temperatures continue to rise,      31.  Which of the following is true about the
             heatwaves are becoming more frequent and          epidemics in Southeast Asia according to the
             posing a serious threat to human health. Higher   passage?
             temperatures can worsen existing medical          A)  Epidemics in the region are usually caused
             conditions, such as asthma and other respiratory     by an infection transmitted through
             illnesses because warmer air can hold more           person-to-person contact.
             smog and other pollutants, making it extremely
             difficult to breathe. In addition, climate change is   B)  Epidemics in the region are often caused by
             causing animals’ habitats to change and expand,      poor living conditions and a lack of access to
             which increases the risk of humans encountering      clean water.
             new viruses. Furthermore, hot temperatures        C)  The incidence of epidemics increases with
             create a greater risk for the spread of diseases     temperature due to the increased population
             like malaria and dengue fever as the insect          of insects in the region.
             season gets longer and new disease-carrying
             species, like mosquitos, are able to survive in   D)  The displacement of animals from their
             warmer climates. For instance, in Southeast Asia,    natural habitats due to climate change has
             there have been many epidemics in recent years,      led to a rise in epidemics in the region.
             with hundreds of thousands of reported and        E)  The high population density in Southeast
             unreported cases. These epidemics have resulted      Asia is contributing to the spread of
             in significant numbers of deaths, particularly in    epidemics in the region.
             countries such as Pakistan, India, Bangladesh,
             and Sri Lanka, which are more severely affected.
             Climate change is thought to be one of the main
             driving factors behind these epidemics, increasing
             mosquito populations.

          30.  According to the passage, heatwaves ----.   32.  Which of the following could be the best title
                                                               for the passage?
             A)  can be fatal for the people with chronic
                 illnesses                                     A)  Health Risks Due to Global Warming
             B)  are confined to certain areas                 B)  Causes and Effects of Global Warming on
                                                                  the Environment
             C)  reduce the spread of infectious diseases
                                                               C)  The Influence of Extreme Weather Events on
             D)  have impacts on the life cycle of many
                 organisms                                        Insects
                                                               D)  The Long-Term Effects of Climate Change
             E)  increase the risk of severe droughts
                                                               E)  The Harmful Impacts of Global Warming on

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