P. 22

For the questions 11–15, choose the best word    For the questions 16–20, choose the best word
           or expression to fill the spaces in the passage.  or expression to fill the spaces in the passage.

             Land restoration, including agroforestry and      Daring to approach a snake, one can easily
             assisted natural regeneration, as well as the     notice the absence of ears, which leads some
             protection of biodiversity-rich areas and the     (16)‑‑‑‑ that snakes have poor hearing and mainly
             provision (11)‑‑‑‑ natural resources, is an effective   rely on vibrations through the ground to sense
             way to improve land degradation. More efficient   their surroundings. (17)‑‑‑‑, recent research
             irrigation systems and crop rotations—sustainable   shows snakes are not completely deaf, and their
             land management practices—conserve ecosystems     hearing abilities may be essential for survival.
             (12)‑‑‑‑ they also help to regulate local climate   Although some snakes seem to react more to
             patterns, enhance the quality of water, and protect   visual stimuli, there are indications that hearing
             biodiversity. (13)‑‑‑‑ impacting emissions reductions   plays a crucial role in warning them (18)‑‑‑‑
             and biodiversity conservation, land restoration   approaching predators. To further investigate
             could have sizable economic gains, amounting      this, a group of toxinologists conducted a study
             to up to $140 trillion per year. Renewable energy,   using nineteen species of snakes inhabiting
             such as bioenergy, could also be (14)‑‑‑‑ land.   diverse environments (19)‑‑‑‑ the ground, trees,
             Bioenergy is now one of the world’s most important   and water. The snakes were exposed to sounds
             renewable energy sources, accounting for 55% of   ranging from 0 to 450 hertz, and both their tactile
             renewable energy and more than 6% of the global   and airborne hearing were tested. The results
             energy supply. In rural areas, specifically, it is also   showed that different snake groups responded
             a significant source of employment. The biofuel   differently to airborne sounds, while those in the
             industry employs over 2 million people worldwide   same genus responded similarly, which suggests
             and (15)‑‑‑‑ to expand notably in the coming years.  that the response to sounds is (20)‑‑‑‑.

          11.                                              16.
             A) over                       B) on               A) believing            B) to have believed
             C) of                          D) through         C) to believe       D) having believed
                        E) from                                          E) believe

                                                               A) Therefore       B) Similarly
             A) after                B) while
                                                               C) Moreover        D) However
             C) until                       D) although
                                                                         E) Instead
                        E) unless
             A) Rather than                B) In addition to     A) into          B) of
                                                               C) with            D) to
             C) In spite of                    D) Owing to
                                                                         E) over
                        E) In the event of

                                                               A) such as         B) as regards
             A) made into            B) aimed at
                                                               C) despite         D) rather than
             C) carried along               D) imbued with
                                                                         E) as well as
                        E) derived from

             A) had been expected    B) has been expected      A) obligatory      B) dominant
                                                               C) accidental      D) restrictive
             C)  was expected              D) is expected
                                                                         E) inheritable
                        E) will have been expected
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