P. 19


                          The Ticking Clock: Species under Threat

             Time is of the essence when it comes to preventing endangered species from facing extinction. Unfortunately,
             their populations are declining at an alarming rate, and many of them are on the brink of disappearing as a
             consequence of habitat destruction and other environmental factors. Some animals are particularly vulnerable
             to the detrimental effects of human activities such as poaching and illegal wildlife trade. This further worsens
             their already fragile situation, and many of these species may go extinct in the future. As their populations
             decrease, ecosystems fall apart, causing irreparable damage to our planet. We cannot afford to turn a blind
             eye to these species dying out since they are an integral part of the natural world and their loss would have
             a profound impact on our environment. We should take responsibility for our actions and roll up our sleeves
             to work towards conservation efforts that will protect these endangered animals. By implementing effective
             conservation strategies, we can ensure that they have a fighting chance to survive and thrive. If we do nothing
             about them now, the consequences will be dire. The loss of a species will have a domino effect throughout
             the entire ecosystem, and we will be left with a world that is significantly different from the one we know today.
             We must act promptly to protect these species before it is too late; we cannot let this chance slip through our

          a  Match the highlighted words and phrases in the passage to the definitions below.

             1.               : a result of something that has happened, especially an unpleasant result
             2.               : to fail completely and have so many problems that it is no longer possible to exist or
                               function in the usual way
             3.               : without delay; right away
             4.               : tending to cause harm, damage, or injury
             5.               : to put a decision, plan, or system into use
             6.               : in a way that is large or important enough to have an effect on something or to be noticed
             7.               : easily threatened, damaged, or destroyed
             8.               : to stop somebody from doing something; to keep something from happening
             9.               : to become less common and finally stop existing; to go extinct
            10.               : the action or process of causing so much damage to something that it no longer exists or
                               cannot be repaired

          b  Replace the words or phrases in bold with one of the underlined phrases in the passage.
             Change the form if necessary.
             1.   It is time to get to work and take collective action to protect and preserve our natural resources for future

             2.   Preserving the natural habitat of endangered species is critically important for their survival and the
                 balance of the ecosystem.

             3.   If we do not start to handle the global climate crisis now, the opportunity to safeguard our planet’s natural
                 beauty and resources may be missed forever.

             4.   The coral reefs are at the threshold of destruction on account of climate change and human activities,
                 posing a grave threat to marine life and the environment.

             5.   Ignoring the environmental impact of our daily activities may lead to permanent damage to nature and our

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