P. 16

c  Read the passage and choose the correct        d  Choose the best option to complete the
             answer for the questions below.                   missing part of the passage.

          1.  Which of the following is true about solar       The use of natural sources to provide energy
             energy according to the passage?                  is as old as civilisation itself; however,
             A)  Solar power can be used for an unlimited      generating electricity from them has only
                 period, and it can be renewed naturally.      been possible in recent history. ‑‑‑‑ This
             B)  A large number of pollutants are released     was a major breakthrough in making energy
                 into the air when solar power is used.        production more sustainable in those years.
             C)  Solar power is not an efficient way of        In the 20  century, the construction of dams
                 generating electricity for cities.            became widespread, and hydroelectric
                                                               plants began to play a significant role in the
             D)  It can be difficult to provide power when it is   production of electric energy globally. With
                 needed with solar energy.                     an efficiency of up to 90% at converting
             E)  Many people cannot afford solar panels, so    water into electricity, hydro energy is still
                 they continue using fossil fuels.             a more viable option for large-scale energy
                                                               production than other renewable energy
                                                               A)  Thousands of years ago, people in Europe
          2.  The reason why fossil fuels are the major           used flowing water to power mills for grinding
             source of energy is that they are ----.              wheat into flour.
             A)  environmentally friendly and do not produce   B)  The world’s first hydroelectric power plant
                 pollutants that contribute to global warming     was built in 1882 on the Fox River in
             B)  abundant and widely available, making them       Appleton, Wisconsin.
                 a much more reliable source of energy         C)  A hydroelectric power plant works by
             C)  affordable and do not require costly             harnessing the energy of falling water and
                 equipment investments                            using it to turn a turbine, which powers a
             D)  limited in supply and cannot be replenished      generator.
                 once they are used up                         D)  The main disadvantage of hydroelectric
             E)  an efficient source of energy, capable of        energy is its potential negative impact on the
                                                                  natural environment.
                 generating a large amount of electricity at
                 one time                                      E)  Nevertheless, solar and wind power
                                                                  are used worldwide and are becoming
                                                                  increasingly popular for generating electricity.

                                                           e  Choose the irrelevant sentence in the
          3.  Which of the following could be the main idea    passage.
             of this passage?                                  (I) Although solar energy adoption has been
             A)  Fossil fuels are not clean energy sources,    less common in some countries due to weather
                 but they are vital for driving economic growth;   conditions, this is changing as batteries become
                 without them, our economy would not be        more affordable and have greater capacity.
                 able to function.                             (II) Adding an efficient energy storage system to
             B)  The decreasing cost of solar panels has       your solar panels will increase the overall cost of
                 made solar energy a viable option for those   the system, which may not be affordable for some
                 seeking to use clean energy sources.          people. (III) Battery storage technology helps to
             C)  Although climate change is becoming a         store energy so that it can be used even when
                 pressing global issue, most governments       there is no sunlight, which is vital in countries
                 insist on using fossil fuels because they are   with variable weather conditions. (IV) Installing a
                 affordable and efficient.                     battery storage system also allows homeowners
             D)  Renewable energy is a more environmentally    to save money on their electricity bills by storing
                 friendly and cost-effective way to meet our   energy during the day and then using it at
                 energy needs than relying on fossil fuels.    night. (V) Storage systems are also crucial for
             E)  The world still relies mostly on              emergencies like natural disasters to keep the city
                 non-renewable sources of energy, which        running without depending on the electrical grid.
                 can lead to economic problems.                A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
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