P. 14

c  Read the passage and choose the correct       d  Choose the best word or expression to fill
             answer for the questions below.                   the spaces in the passage.

          1.  According to the passage, seafood ----.          When we compare developed countries (1)‑‑‑‑
             A)  must be consumed cautiously because it can    developing countries, it is obvious that most of
                 cause serious health problems and even death  the greenhouse gas emissions in developed
             B)  is a better choice to get Omega-3, vitamins,   countries are ‘comfort’ emissions. (2)‑‑‑‑, while
                 and minerals when compared to agricultural    the emissions of developing countries are the
                 food                                          results of trying to grow food, the emissions
             C)  has become more important than agricultural   of developed countries are mostly caused by
                 production as a result of the increase in the   increasing the quality of life, such as cooling the
                                                               interiors via air conditioners, driving a car with
                 temperature of the seas                       high fuel consumption, or going on a trip by plane.
             D)  contains many nutritious ingredients that     For instance, for a family living in London, going
                 are needed for the healthy functioning of the   on a short-distance holiday by car (3)‑‑‑‑ flying
                 human body                                    to a foreign country saves the same amount of
             E)  is essential to people all over the world if it is   greenhouse gas emissions as a month’s food
                 caught only for human consumption             production for a village of a hundred Africans.
                                                               Therefore, developed countries have much
                                                               greater opportunities (4)‑‑‑‑ these emissions
                                                               compared to developing countries. The first thing
                                                               to (5)‑‑‑‑ in this regard is not the right to life but
          2.  According to the passage, why do fish migrate
             to cool waters?                               1.
             A)  They need to get bigger and gain weight,      A) with            B) by
                 which is not likely to happen in warm seas.
             B)  Their survival instinct leads them to move      C) for           D) over
                 together in shoals when they are in danger.             E) about
             C)  It usually happens in the northern part of the
                 oceans, where fish need more energy.      2.
             D)  A decrease in the population of fish caught for      A) However      B) In other words
                 human consumption is the major reason.
             E)  No matter how big or fat fish are, they migrate      C) As a result     D) Moreover
                 to avoid unfavourable conditions.                       E) Instead

                                                               A) on behalf of    B) apart from
                                                               C) besides         D) along with
          3.  One can infer from the passage that ----.
             A)  agricultural production is not as sufficient as         E) instead of
                 seafood in meeting the needs of the world
                 population                                4.
             B)  if necessary precautions are not taken, all sea      A) to reduce      B) to have reduced
                 creatures will become extinct in the next few
                 decades                                       C) reducing        D) having reduced
             C)  climate change has a significant impact not             E) to be reducing
                 only on sea life but also on people’s access to
                 healthy food
             D)  a sudden increase in the temperature and the   5.
                 pH level of the seas has an impact on climate      A) approve       B) collapse
                 change                                        C) sacrifice       D) vacate
             E)  when fish cannot eat well enough, they may
                 seasonally migrate to the warmer parts of the           E) recognise
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