P. 20
c Read the passage and choose the correct d Choose the best option to complete the
answer for the questions below. missing part of the passage.
1. It is pointed out in the passage that several The Permian extinction was the largest
species of animals ----. mass extinction event in the Earth’s history,
A) are more susceptible to the devastating wiping out around 90% of marine species
impacts of human actions like illegal hunting and 70% of terrestrial species. Occurring
and animal trafficking approximately 252 million years ago, it was
B) are facing extinction, mostly because of poor caused by a combination of factors, including
conservation strategies aimed at boosting climate change, volcanism, and anoxia (an
their chances of survival absence of oxygen). ---- This, in turn, resulted
C) have the potential to lead to the irreversible in widespread oxygen depletion and the
proliferation of anaerobic bacteria, producing
destruction of ecosystems, so they are toxic hydrogen sulfide. It took millions of
considered endangered years for biodiversity to recover from this
D) can only be saved from extinction through catastrophic event, whose effects can still be
conservation efforts such as habitat seen in fossil records today.
restoration and hunting regulations
E) are hunted more than others due to their A) The Permian extinction profoundly affected
high demand in the black market, causing a life on the Earth, paving the way for the rise
decline in their populations of the dinosaurs and other new species.
B) The modern-day flora and fauna were
believed to have been significantly affected
by this event due to the mass extinction of
various species, including the dominant ones.
2. Which of the following is true about the C) Scientists extensively studied the Permian
extinction of species? extinction to better understand its causes and
A) The fall in population of endangered animals implications for life on the Earth.
is the main reason, and it is crucial that D) The eruption of the Siberian Traps released
conservation efforts are increased. vast amounts of carbon dioxide and other
B) The outcomes of extinction can be minimised greenhouse gases, leading to global warming
through the reintroduction of species into and ocean acidification.
their natural habitats. E) The surviving species were those that were
C) Giving all species a fair chance to get able to adapt to the new environmental
through extinction and thrive is one way to conditions and ecological niches left vacant
prevent this from happening again. by the extinct species.
D) The consequences cannot be avoided even
if humans make enormous efforts to preserve e Choose the irrelevant sentence in the
endangered species. passage.
E) The ripple effect of extinction will make us (I) The extinction of a species can set off a
live in a world having changed dramatically ripple effect that alters the dynamics of the
from what we know now.
entire ecosystem owing to the interdependence
of species through ecological processes like
pollination, predation, and resource competition.
(II) When a single species dies out, this can
3. What is the passage mainly about? disturb these processes, putting the survival
A) The disastrous effects of illegal hunting and of other species at risk. (III) However, beyond
wildlife trade on endangered species this, extinction can also have repercussions on
B) The urgency of taking action to prevent the human societies, such as economic instability
extinction of endangered species and the loss of resources. (IV) For example,
C) The effective ways of protecting endangered the loss of bees can disrupt plant pollination,
reducing the availability of food for other species.
animals from habitat destruction (V) The absence of predators can likewise lead
D) The reason behind the decrease in the to overgrazing and increased competition for
population of endangered animals resources among prey species.
E) The animal species that are especially
defenceless to mass extinction A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
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