P. 23

Answer the questions 21–23 according to the
           passage below.

             Since the ocean absorbs excess heat and       22.  According to the passage, ----.
             energy trapped in the Earth’s system due to
             rising greenhouse gas emissions, it has long      A)  sea-level rise, together with tropical cyclones,
             taken the brunt of the effects of global warming.    has aggravated extraordinary events that
                                                                  cause disastrous consequences for coastal
             That extra heat and energy warming the ocean         life
             cause unprecedented cascading effects such as
             ice melting, sea-level rise, marine heatwaves,    B)  excess heat and energy cause unpredictable
             and ocean acidification. With intense tropical       sequential events, such as ice melting, that
             cyclones, sea-level rise has exacerbated extreme     support coastal and marine ecosystems
             events, including deadly storm surges and coastal   C)  global warming leads to extra heat and
             hazards. Flooding, erosion, and landslides, which    energy being trapped in the Earth’s system;
             are now expected to occur at least once a year       therefore, marine species have changed
             in many places, have disastrous consequences
             for coastal life. Additionally, rising temperatures   D)  coral reefs and mangroves that provide
             increase the risk of irreversible loss of marine and   habitat for marine species have been
             coastal ecosystems. Today, we have seen some         restored to minimise the damage to species
             changes, such as damage to coral reefs and        E)  based on the observations made in the
             mangroves that support ocean life and species        ocean, the extinction of the world’s marine
             migration to higher latitudes and altitudes where    species could be held up by 2100
             the water conditions are more suitable. The latest
             estimates from the United Nations Educational,
             Scientific, and Cultural Organization warn that
             more than half of the world’s marine species may
             become endangered by 2100.

          21.  It can be inferred from the passage that the   23.  Why does the United Nations Educational,
             temperature change ----.                          Scientific, and Cultural Organization warn?
             A)  not only causes sea-level rise, including     A)  To a large extent, marine species may
                 hazardous natural events but also impacts        become extinct by the end of the century due
                 some communities’ lives and livelihoods          to global warming.
             B)  has merely played a key role in the migration   B)  Species migration to higher latitudes and
                 of species to higher latitudes and altitudes     altitudes, in particular, is a clear indication
                                                                  that they will be endangered by 2100.
             C)  does not have immense impacts on coastal
                 and marine life, as it is expected to occur   C)  It is no use stopping marine species
                 yearly                                           extinction unless greenhouse gas emissions
                                                                  in the Earth’s system are reduced.
             D)  leads to cascading devastating natural
                 events and inevitable damage to coral reefs,   D)  Global warming causes sea-level rise,
                 mangroves, and marine species                    leading to coastal flooding and erosion; the
                                                                  world’s marine species may face extinction
             E)  has been recently observed to cause all of       by 2100.
                 the world’s marine species to face extinction
                 by 2100                                       E)  If all these latest estimates come true, it
                                                                  will be too late to rescue marine species by

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