P. 27

For the questions 33–36, choose the best
           option to complete the missing part of the

          33.  The Amazon River basin, which spans the     34.  Bats are mammals that use echolocation to
             northern half of South America, is home to        find their prey in the dark. ---- This technique
             the world’s largest river as well as the world’s   enables them to distinguish between the
             largest tropical forest. Along with one-third     objects in their environment and even detect
             of all known plants and animals, it is also       movement, making them one of the most
             home to some rare species, such as the            efficient hunters in the animal kingdom.
             dorado catfish, which migrates over 11,000        Interestingly, bats are not the only animals
             kilometres from the Andes to the river. ----      to use echolocation, as some whales and
             The Brazilian state of Pará holds 9% of the       dolphins have also developed this skill
             world’s rainforests but, unfortunately, has       to navigate through their environments.
             the country’s highest rate of deforestation       Therefore, it is safe to say that echolocation
             since the habitat is cleared for farms and        is a remarkable ability shared by bats and
             ranches. The loss of these forests can put        marine mammals, which helps them survive in
             the Amazon’s web of life and its climate in       their respective habitats.
                                                               A)  Researchers study echolocation to improve
             A)  In addition, deforestation in recent years has   sonar and radar technologies like navigation
                 prevented these remarkable species from          and military surveillance.
                 living in their habitats.
                                                               B)  Their wings are adapted for flying, and their
             B)  Even though humans have harmed the               diets can range from insects to fruit, nectar,
                 environment, authorities in some countries       and even blood.
                 take strict precautions.
                                                               C)  Despite their reputation as scary animals,
             C)  The species in this region are in need of help   bats play an essential role in ecosystems as
                 from countries not to lose their habitats.       pollinators and insect controllers.
             D)  The immense rainforests throughout the        D)  Echolocation involves emitting high-pitched
                 basin restrict the lives of local residents in   sounds and interpreting the echoes that
                 terms of agriculture and livestock.              bounce back.

             E)  It is not only plants and animals that live   E)  However, some bats are known to use their
                 here—30 million people call this region          sense of smell and vision to find their way
                 home.                                            and hunt.

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