P. 25

Answer the questions 27–29 according to the
           passage below.

             It is possible to classify climate changes in   28.  According to the passage, why does it take
             former times into two categories: those resulting   millions of years to take over from the former
             from sudden events and the ones that occurred     species?
             over long periods. Climate changes caused by      A)  Dramatic events make them suffer a lot, so
             sudden events such as meteor strikes or volcanic     they cannot secure the persistence of their
             eruptions almost certainly led to the extinction     species.
             of many species. It should be noted that it took
             millions of years for new species to replace the   B)  Almost all of the species that emerge
             former ones after such events. The main reason       after rapid events cannot react to the
             for this is that most living species cannot adapt    transformation instantly.
             quickly to abrupt changes. New species could      C)  It is usually because of the increase in
             only begin to adapt to these changing climatic       average temperature and the change in
             conditions after millions of years, ensuring the     climatic conditions.
             continuity of life. However, if the world’s average
             temperature were to increase by six degrees in    D)  A great number of species can get used to
             the next hundred years, many species could die       sudden changes very quickly, but it takes
             out, but human beings would likely survive. This is   time.
             because humans are the species best equipped      E)  They are as fast as human beings in terms
             to adapt to and keep up with changing conditions     of adapting to and keeping up with the
                                                                  changing life conditions.

          27.  According to the passage, climate changes   29.  It can be inferred from the passage that ----.
                                                               A)  even after the extinction of all species,
             A)  such as meteor strikes or volcanic eruptions     climate changes can last millions of years
                 have always ended in the extinction of           until human beings disappear
                 human beings
                                                               B)  if some species can adapt to the world’s
             B)  are the main reason for sudden events            average temperature, they will ensure the
                 that last over long periods, no matter how       continuity of their lives
                 effective they are
                                                               C)  humans get used to changing conditions fast,
             C)  may cause such diversity in climatic             which lets them continue their lives under
                 conditions that human beings cannot ensure       some unusual circumstances
                 the continuity of life
                                                               D)  of all the species in nature, human beings
             D)  will sharply increase the world’s average        are the only ones who can avoid total
                 temperature by six degrees in the next           extinction, no matter what happens
                 hundred years
                                                               E)  the temperature quickly increases when
             E)  may have happened gradually over a period        sudden climate changes like meteor strikes
                 of time as well as after an instant event in     or volcanic eruptions happen
                 former times

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