P. 29

For the questions 37–40, choose the irrelevant
           sentence in the passage.

          37.  (I) The descent and ascent in the Earth’s   39.  (I) Deforestation reduces the humidity in the
             hydrological cycle, due to human-induced climate   atmosphere and can therefore have devastating
             change, ultimately have a huge impact on the      effects on farmers, restricting the availability of
             world’s economic output. (II) Water scarcity      water for their crops. (II) Without sufficient rainfall,
             affects agricultural productivity and labour      crops cannot grow properly, leading to food
             outcomes and causes conflict; conversely, flash   shortages and higher prices. (III) This may have
             flooding can cause damage and reduce economic     a detrimental impact, economically speaking,
             output. (III) Soil is also greatly influenced by   on both the farmers and the consumers.
             rainfall change, which causes it to be either too   (IV) For example, a loss of 2,000 square metres
             wet or too dry. (IV) Rainfall changes, on the other   of plantation usually results in a loss in the
             hand, are difficult to model or assess on a       amount of farmland. (V) While higher prices may
             single-country basis, making it difficult to      benefit some farmers, others may be at risk of
             predict the global economic cost of climate       going bankrupt if they are unable to cover their
             change-induced rainfall. (V) To model the         production costs.
             impact of rainfall change on economic growth,
             a group of scientists worked on 1,544 regions     A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
             across 77 countries over the last 40 years.

             A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV    E) V

          38.  (I) Industrial agriculture has several harmful   40.  (I) Wind power is a sustainable way to generate
             effects on the environment and human health,      electricity, as it emits zero carbon; however, it
             which include soil erosion and water pollution.   can have some negative impacts on wildlife,
             (II) They are caused by the excessive use of      including birds, bats, and sea creatures.
             pesticides and chemical fertilisers, as well as    (II) Each year, millions of birds and bats are
             the monoculture farming system, where a single    killed when they collide with the spinning blades
             type of crop is cultivated. (III) Furthermore,    of wind turbines. (III) In addition, there has
             industrial agriculture contributes to the depletion   been a rise in the number of turbines installed
             of natural resources and the loss of biodiversity.    in coastal waters globally, with the individual
             (IV) However, sustainable agriculture practices   turbines becoming larger. (IV) This has caused
             such as crop rotation and organic farming         an increase in underwater noise levels, which can
             can help mitigate these negative effects and      disturb sensitive species and force them to leave
             provide us with ecological and health benefits.    their habitat. (V) Finally, people who live near
             (V) Ultimately, both forms of agriculture have their   wind turbines often experience dizziness and
             own pros and cons, and farmers should achieve a   headaches due to the noise the turbines make.
             balance between productivity and sustainability.
                                                               A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
             A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV    E) V

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