P. 21


           For the questions 1–10, choose the best word
           or expression to fill the space.

          1.  The ---- of renewable energy sources, such   6.  It is important to use fossil fuels ‑‑‑‑ so that
             as solar and wind power, can reduce our           we can preserve them for future generations
             dependence on fossil fuels and decrease           and reduce the negative impact on the
             greenhouse gas emissions, helping to              environment.
             mitigate the impacts of climate change.           A) competitively    B) dramatically
             A) mitigation      B) challenge
                                                               C) unexpectedly    D) irreparably
             C) deprivation     D) adoption
                                                                         E) cautiously
                        E) substance

          2.  In natural ecosystems, the ‑‑‑‑ of a particular   7.  Through the process of photosynthesis, green
             species can be influenced by the presence of      plants can ---- the Earth’s oxygen supply by
             competitors or predators, the availability of     converting carbon dioxide and water into
             resources, and environmental factors.             glucose and oxygen, with the latter being
             A) emergency      B) awareness                    released into the atmosphere as a by-product.
                                                               A) replenish       B) threaten
             C) dominance       D) excellence
                        E) instability                         C) consume         D) harness
                                                                         E) prevent

          3.  ‑‑‑‑ weather forecasting methods involve     8.  Volcanic eruptions can ‑‑‑‑ ecosystems
             analysing historical weather patterns and         through the release of toxic gases, the
             current atmospheric conditions to generate        destruction of vegetation and wildlife habitats,
             models predicting future meteorological           and the alteration of water quality.
             events.                                           A) combine         B) damage
             A) Significant    B) Conventional
                                                               C) approve         D) subtract
             C) Abundant        D) Catastrophic
                                                                         E) cover
                        E) Detrimental

          4.  Granite and quartz are typical examples of ----   9.  A great number of environmentalists insist
             rocks, which are so massively grained that no     on taking immediate action, as all plantations
             particles or crystals can be seen by the eye.     seem to have been ---- by heavy rainfall in
             A) vulnerable     B) constituent                  Sudan, which may cause a food crisis soon.
             C) affordable      D) permanent                   A) sought out     B) derived from
                        E) compact                             C) washed off      D) brought about
                                                                         E) left aside

          5.  The population of bees has ---- declined in   10.  Many species ---- their natural habitats for
             recent years, which is a cause for concern,       survival, and any disruption or destruction
             as they play a crucial role in pollinating many   of these habitats can have devastating
             of the crops that are important for human         consequences.
             sustenance.                                       A) lead to         B) wipe out
             A) sharply         B) indirectly
                                                               C) set off         D) rely on
             C) reliably        D) eternally
                                                                         E) come across
                        E) attentively
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