P. 50
c Read the passage and choose the correct d Choose the best word or expression to fill
answer for the questions below. the spaces in the passage.
1. Why did people from Nubia, Libya, and the Carthage was an ancient Phoenician city situated
Middle East settle down along the Nile River? (1)‑‑‑‑ the northern coast of Africa, in what is
A) They learned from their ancestors that now Tunis. It rapidly became the largest and
cultivating the terrain along the river was wealthiest city in ancient times, (2)‑‑‑‑ access
fundamental to wealth. to a wealth of fertile land and important coastal
B) Population growth along the river presented trade routes. The glorious growth in its trade and
people with many opportunities for growing social life standards, (3)‑‑‑‑, drew ancient Rome’s
nutrient-rich food that ensured a rich life. attention, which was Carthage’s neighbour in
C) The river’s annual flooding provided fertile the Mediterranean and intended to expand its
power in the region. (4)‑‑‑‑ being one of the most
areas for growing prosperous agricultural pre-eminent civilisations of antiquity, Carthage
crops, the main source of livelihood. is most noted for its prolonged wars with Rome,
D) They estimated that being part of the which ultimately led to the destruction of the
Egyptian civilisation would open new doors Carthaginian Empire and the establishment of
to the richness had they cultivated the soil. Roman control over the western Mediterranean.
E) People migrated from many places there, In other words, the prolonged wars between the
thinking the river was a mere natural two empires (5)‑‑‑‑ in the defeat of Carthage.
resource for survival.
A) of B) for
2. It is understood from the passage that the C) with D) over
ancient Egyptian civilisation ----. E) on
A) was a land of mysteries that no other
civilisation has so captured the imagination of 2.
scholars and people
B) established along the Nile River in northeast A) being had B) to have
Africa, with settlers coming from many regions C) having D) to be having
and still preserves its mystery E) had
C) applied the mummification and burial in tombs
methods for its pharaohs who were the power
symbols of the civilisation 3.
D) left many artworks and monumental A) in contrast B) however
architectures revealing the secrets of its C) likewise D) furthermore
lifestyle but no evidence proved E) as a consequence
E) was interested in agriculture to a large extent;
however, settlers moving to the Nile Valley
brought prosperous wealth 4.
A) Owing to B) Apart from
C) On behalf of D) Regardless of
3. The tombs were filled with all the necessities E) Despite
of life because ----.
A) it was believed the deceased would need 5.
them to continue their lives after death A) failed B) struggled
B) the dead could reach a paradise of sorts,
where they could live forever C) culminated D) conflicted
C) their polytheistic religion required many gods E) vanished
and goddesses to be venerated
D) the deceased ensured the continuation of life
with their savings in the world
E) the dead would live in eternal happiness
thanks to their loved ones
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