P. 54
c Read the passage and choose the correct d Choose the best word or expression to fill
answer for the questions below. the spaces in the passage.
1. According to the passage, how do Indigenous American Indians, also known as Native
peoples in Canada demonstrate their Americans, (1)‑‑‑‑ the identity of the American
connection to the environment? nation for thousands of years with their languages,
A) Through sustainable practices and traditional customs, and traditions. Especially, their
knowledge knowledge of herbal medicine and agriculture
B) By advocating for suburban development on has influenced modern practices, while their
their lands agricultural techniques continue to be embraced to
C) By promoting traditional arts, native this day. (2)‑‑‑‑, today, some of them lead diverse
languages, and storytelling lifestyles that vary across tribes and individuals,
D) Through talking about the importance of their reflecting a combination of traditional practices
and modern influences. A significant number of
cultural diversity Native Americans have migrated to urban areas
E) By preserving their self-determination and in search (3)‑‑‑‑ employment, education, and
rights from others better opportunities, contributing to the growth
of urban Native American communities. In
these communities, individuals maintain ties to
their tribal heritage while adapting to urban life.
(4)‑‑‑‑ making valuable contributions to various
2. Which of the following statements is not true fields, including the arts, literature, academia,
about Indigenous peoples? and politics, they have also engaged in political
A) They still continue to preserve their cultural advocacy to protect their rights, sovereignty, and
heritage despite historical hardships. cultural heritage. Efforts are still being made to
B) The challenges they are faced with include ensure the (5)‑‑‑‑ of their heritage by passing
down cultural knowledge to younger generations.
the trauma resulting from colonisation.
C) They have a connection to the environment 1.
and possess traditional knowledge. A) would shape B) was shaping
D) Efforts are being made towards reconciliation
of their rights and self-determination. C) have shaped D) had shaped
E) The languages, traditional knowledge, and E) shape
spiritual practices are significant aspects of
their culture. 2.
A) However B) Even so
C) In addition D) Instead
E) Therefore
3. One can conclude from the passage that ----.
A) challenges such as limited access to
education and healthcare no longer exist, as A) by B) for
they are crucial for Indigenous communities C) of D) among
B) historical injustices have had lasting effects
on Indigenous peoples; but, they have set up E) through
a society with diverse cultural heritage
C) Indigenous communities could not preserve 4.
their cultural heritage, so they have lost their A) Despite B) Except for
traditional ecological knowledge in years C) Thanks to D) Besides
D) Canada addresses the former injustices and E) In case of
promotes healing, but cultural revitalisation
and educational initiatives are not included 5.
E) Canada’s multicultural fabric is enriched by
the contributions of Indigenous peoples; it A) approval B) survival
is important to recognise and celebrate their C) dismissal D) ritual
E) burial
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