P. 58

For the questions 11–15, choose the best word    For the questions 16–20, choose the best word
           or expression to fill the spaces in the passage.  or expression to fill the spaces in the passage.

             The Inuit are indigenous Arctic peoples living in   The Olympic Games, which are believed (16)‑‑‑‑
             Canada, Greenland, and Alaska. Traditionally,     in 776 BC, were first organised about 3,000
             they were hunting, fishing, and gathering for their   years ago in the Peloponnese region of Greece.
             subsistence. They developed a deep understanding   They were named ‘Olympic’ (17)‑‑‑‑ the athletic
             of the Arctic environment; (11)‑‑‑‑, they adapted   contests that were held in Olympia. Despite the
             their way of life to survive in harsh conditions. Inuit   uncertain origins of the games, it is probable
             society is characterised by close-knit communities   that they were established to promote (18)‑‑‑‑
             and extended families (12)‑‑‑‑ their social structure   among the Hellenistic states. In ancient Greece,
             which emphasises cooperation, sharing, and respect   city states were in constant competition and
             for elders. They utilised kayaks, dog sledges, and   warfare for control (19)‑‑‑‑ resources, territory,
             igloos for transportation and shelter. Their survival   and authority. (20)‑‑‑‑, the Olympics provided
             relied on fishing and hunting marine mammals      a temporary halt to any conflicts between the
             like seals, whales, and walruses. Inuit language   participating cities, referred to as the Olympic
             and cultural practices were integral to their daily   peace. These games were held every four years
             lives and continued (13)‑‑‑‑ through oral tradition.   and were used to signify the ‘Olympiad’ period,
             Historically, they faced challenges, including    which served as a dating system instead of years.
             colonisation and forced assimilation policies, which
             had a huge impact (14)‑‑‑‑ their lifestyle. Today,   16.
             the Inuit strive to (15)‑‑‑‑ their cultural identity while      A) started       B) to have started
             facing modern-day issues such as climate change
             and socio-economic challenges.                    C) to start         D) having started
                                                                         E) start
             A) moreover                         B) however         17.
             C) even so                            D) hence           A) except for        B) by means of
                        E) likewise                            C) in spite of       D) due to
                                                                         E) along with
             A) as a result of             B) instead of   18.
             C) in addition to             D) in case of       A) unity           B) engagement
                        E) contrary to                         C) identity        D) agreement
                                                                         E) curiosity
             A) to have passed down      B) passing down   19.
                                                               A) into            B) against
             C) having passed down       D) to be passed down
                        E) to pass down                        C) with            D) at
                                                                         E) over
             A) for                         B) on          20.
             C) to                       D) by                 A) Therefore       B) Similarly
                                                               C) Moreover        D) However
                        E) at
                                                                         E) Instead
             A) deceive                  B) disprove

             C) relieve                  D) involve
                        E) preserve
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