P. 60

Answer the questions 24–26 according to the
           passage below.

             Hunter-gatherer culture is a unique subsistence   25.  According to the passage, the Neolithic
             way of life that depends on hunting, fishing, and   Revolution ----.
             collecting wild vegetation and other nutrients,   A)  led to the rise of complex societies by
             such as honey, for sustenance. It was prevalent      allowing humans to form social hierarchies
             among all humans until approximately twelve
             millennia ago. Earlier groups relied on scratching   B)  began when some communities gave up the
             for animal remains left behind by predators.         nomadic, hunter-gatherer lifestyle
             Unlike agriculture, mobility was the primary      C)  forced people to live in extended families or
             survival strategy for hunter-gatherers. The lifestyle   larger bands of less than 100 people
             necessitated access to vast expanses of land,
             ranging from 20 to 1300 square kilometres,        D)  might have been the most significant event to
             to obtain the necessary food to survive. As a        have shaped early human history
             result, establishing long-term settlements was    E)  could not deter some groups of humans from
             challenging, and most hunter-gatherers were          creating a keen sense of community
             nomadic. These groups ranged in size from
             extended families to larger bands of no more
             than 100 individuals. With some groups
             abandoning their hunter-gatherer lifestyle to
             establish permanent settlements capable of
             supporting larger populations, the Neolithic
             Revolution began about 12,000 years ago.
             Nevertheless, several hunter-gatherer behaviours
             persisted until recent times. Even as late as 1500
             AD, hunter-gatherer societies existed in parts of
             Europe and throughout the Americas. However,
             over the past 500 years, the number of
             hunter-gatherers has significantly decreased.
             Today, only a few groups still practise this
             lifestyle, with the Hadza people of Tanzania
             being among the last. Their unique culture and
             deep understanding of their surroundings have
             fascinated those studying the origins of human

          24.  Which of the following statements about     26.  The author mentions the Hadza people in
             hunter‑gatherers is true according to the         order to ----.
                                                               A)  highlight that some groups live in a way
             A)  It was not until 12,000 years ago that           similar to that of our ancient ancestors even
                 they began to settle down and develop            today
                                                               B)  support the idea that modern societies
             B)  Eating predator-left animal remnants was a       are superior to traditional ones in terms of
                 must for them, not a choice they wished to       development
                                                               C)  argue that they indeed have a rich and
             C)  The vast expanses of land they had to            complex culture that is often overlooked by
                 navigate so as to find food were often           outsiders
                                                               D)  exemplify how a sedentary lifestyle may
             D)  Abandoning the nomadic lifestyle they used       negatively impact our well-being and the
                 to follow for years was not an easy decision     environment
                 to take.
                                                               E)  criticise the assumption that they are an
             E)  They had to move from one place to another       uncivilised people representing a primitive
                 in search of food essential for their survival.  way of life
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