P. 61
Answer the questions 27–29 according to the
passage below.
Originated as a semi-nomadic tribe called the 28. Which of the following can be inferred from
Nahua, the Aztecs were a Central American the passage about the Aztecs?
civilisation that thrived in central Mexico from A) They practised sustainable agriculture, but
the 14 to the 16 centuries. They established the use of innovative farming techniques
their magnificent capital city, Tenochtitlan, with made it impossible to cultivate abundant
grand temples, palaces, and causeways on an crops.
island in Lake Texcoco. Through the formation of
the Triple Alliance, which consists of three major B) They were originally a large community, and
cities: Tenochtitlan, Texcoco, and Tlacopan, they they established an advanced civilisation
maintained their existence and influence over in central Mexico, surviving for about two
central Mexico. The society was hierarchical, decades.
and the emperor was at the top, holding absolute C) The downfall of their empire was a result of
power. Their religion was polytheistic, and internal civil conflicts among the emperors of
rituals played a significant role in their religious major states forming the Triple Alliance.
practices. The Aztecs were skilled farmers who
practised irrigation, terracing, and sustainable D) They built three different capital cities and
agriculture in a sophisticated farming system. many impressive architectural structures and
They also used chinampas (floating gardens) to causeways on an island in Lake Texcoco.
grow crops, such as maize, beans, and squash. E) Their society was made up of a system in
However, their civilisation came to an end when which people were organised into different
they were attacked by Spanish conquistador levels of social importance, from the highest
Hernán Cortés in 1519. After a series of battles, to the lowest.
the Aztecs were defeated by the Spanish in
1521, which brought the end of their empire.
Despite their downfall, the Aztecs left a lasting
cultural and historical legacy in Mexico with their
achievements in architecture, art, agriculture, and
political organisation that continues to be studied
and admired today.
27. According to the passage, what was the 29. It is pointed out in the passage that even
purpose of the Triple Alliance? centuries after the Aztec Empire collapsed,
A) To form a defensive alliance against external
threats and invasions A) its cultural heritage and historical legacy
are still being investigated and held in high
B) To promote trade and economic cooperation
among the major cities regard in today’s modern world
B) the magnificent capital city of the empire,
C) To unite the various native tribes under one
centralised authority Tenochtitlan, is still standing and continues to
be a must-see place for tourists
D) To maintain the Aztec Empire and exert C) it was understood by Spanish invaders that
control over central Mexico
the rise and expansion of the empire in
E) To practise their agricultural system Central America were unstoppable
throughout a large farmland
D) religious evidence of polytheism was found,
proving they worshipped their emperor, who
had absolute power
E) the Aztecs continued to live in a hierarchical
system and kept slaves as farmers to
practise agriculture
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