P. 55


                  Ancient Greece: The Cradle of Western Civilisation

             Among the great civilisations of antiquity, ancient Greece stands out as having a significant influence on modern
             society. It is indisputably recognised as a cornerstone of Western culture due to its contributions to various fields
             like philosophy, politics, art, architecture, and literature. Particularly in philosophy, the Greeks were pioneers of
             rational thinking based on reason and logic, which laid the foundation for modern philosophy. Additionally, their
             political system, which emphasised citizen involvement and democracy, has been adopted by many modern
             societies. They also made colossal contributions to architecture. The architectural style of the ancient Greeks
             is prominent for its unique characteristics, such as tall columns, intricate detailing, symmetry, harmony, and
             balance, which are still replicated in government buildings and significant monuments worldwide. While they
             built various unique structures, the most notable surviving examples of their architecture are large temples with
             the Parthenon being the most renowned one located on the Acropolis in Athens. Apart from temples, the ancient
             Greeks constructed a variety of public buildings. These included covered walkways known as ‘stoas’ that
             served as venues for trading and public meetings, as well as gymnasiums, courthouses, council buildings, and
             sports arenas. Moreover, their amphitheatres, capable of accommodating up to 10,000 people, were delicately
             designed with acoustics, ensuring that even those seated at the back could hear the performers with clarity.

          a  Match the highlighted words and phrases in the passage to the definitions below.

             1.               : a place where people meet for an organised event
             2.               : of an exceptional or astonishing degree
             3.               : to be much better or more important than somebody or something
             4.               : the act of taking part in something or dealing with somebody
             5.               : known and admired by a lot of people, especially for a special skill, achievement, or
             6.               : in a way that cannot be disagreed with or denied
             7.               : with care or skill
             8.               : to copy something exactly
             9.               : to use an idea, a fact, a situation, etc. as the point from which something can be
            10.               : to build something or put together different parts to form something whole

         b  Complete the following table with the correct forms of the words.

                   verb                   noun                  adjective               adverb


                                        involvement                                        X
                  replicate                                                                X

                     X                                          renowned                   X

                  construct                                                                X
                     X                                                                  delicately

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