P. 68

c  Read the passage and choose the correct       d  Choose the best word or expression to fill
             answer for the questions below.                   the spaces in the passage.

          1.  It is pointed out in the passage that invisible   Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva, also
             illnesses and disabilities ----.                  known as Stoneman Syndrome, is a rare genetic
             A)  are classified as ‘invisible’ because they    disorder that affects only about one in two million
                 do not exhibit the same level of severity as   people worldwide. The condition is caused by a
                 visible conditions                            (1)‑‑‑‑ in the ACVR1 gene, which leads to
             B)  solely consist of psychological disorders,    abnormal bone growth and the formation of
                 such as anxiety, due to the absence of        extra bone in soft tissues, resulting in physical
                 observable symptoms                           deformities, chronic pain, and limited mobility.
             C)  cannot be detected by diagnostic tests, and   Coping with this illness can be a constant
                                                               challenge, (2)‑‑‑‑ even simple activities like sitting
                 there is no specific treatment available for   or walking can become exceedingly difficult. The
                 such ailments                                 main goal of the treatment is to control symptoms
             D)  refer to non-existent medical conditions,     and prevent new bone formation (3)‑‑‑‑ the use
                 and those suffering from such ailments are    of medication and physical therapy. However,
                 seeking attention                             in severe cases, surgery might be needed
             E)  are diseases that are not visible to the naked   to remove excess bone and restore mobility
                 eye but have the same level of impact as      (4)‑‑‑‑ these therapeutic methods. Despite
                 visible ones                                  the difficulties associated with Fibrodysplasia
                                                               Ossificans Progressiva, medical advancements
                                                               (5)‑‑‑‑ a greater understanding of the disease and
          2.  According to the passage, getting an accurate    potential treatments, providing hope for those
             diagnosis for such diseases is challenging        affected by the condition.
             because ----.
             A)  healthcare providers are not sufficiently      A) variation       B) revision
                 equipped to diagnose these types of illnesses
             B)  the symptoms they display are not distinctive      C) mutation        D) replication
                 and can be easily mistaken for other medical            E) habituation
             C)  individuals afflicted with these diseases deal
                 with the prejudices and misconceptions of   2.
                 others                                        A) nor             B) or
             D)  the technological advancements currently      C) yet             D) as
                 available are insufficient to effectively detect
                 these types of illnesses                                E) so
             E)  many individuals neglect their well-being,
                 although a basic blood test can quickly identify   3.
                 their medical status                          A) about           B) through

                                                               C) for             D) over
                                                                         E) of
          3.  What is the main purpose of the author?
             A)  To highlight the significance of early
                 diagnosis and treatment in curing invisible   4.
                 diseases                                      A) along with      B) on behalf of
             B)  To provide the reader with brief information      C) such as        D) contrary to
                 on the treatment options currently available
             C)  To explain the difference between illnesses             E) regardless of
                 that are invisible and those that are visible
             D)  To confront the reader with the difficulties that   5.
                 individuals with invisible illnesses encounter     A) would lead to     B) was leading to
             E)  To warn the reader of the consequences of      C) have led to     D) had led to
                 misdiagnosis and its impact on the quality of
                 life                                                    E) lead to
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