P. 76

For the questions 11–15, choose the best word    For the questions 16–20, choose the best word
           or expression to fill the spaces in the passage.  or expression to fill the spaces in the passage.

             Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine      The alien hand syndrome (AHS) is an unusual
             (11)‑‑‑‑ by Samuel Hahnemann in the late 18 th    condition in which individuals experience the
             century. Its operating principle is rooted in the belief   feeling of a lack of control over one of their limbs,
             that a substance causing symptoms in a healthy    typically the left hand, as it functions (16)‑‑‑‑ and
             person could be utilised to treat corresponding   performs actions without conscious intention.
             symptoms in an ailing person. Homeopathic         (17)‑‑‑‑ these involuntary movements, individuals
             remedies are highly diluted preparations made     may feel disconnected from their hands and have
             from natural substances (12)‑‑‑‑ plants, minerals,   a reduced sense of ownership over them. The
             or animal products that have been weakend by the   cause of the disorder is not yet fully understood,
             addition of water or other solvent. These remedies   but it is believed (18)‑‑‑‑ to brain lesions in various
             are believed to stimulate the body’s intrinsic    regions. The corpus callosum, separating the
             healing powers and restore balance. On the other   brain hemispheres and facilitates communication
             hand, homeopathy has been criticised (13)‑‑‑‑ its   (19)‑‑‑‑ them, may play a role in developing
             lack of scientific evidence and the extreme dilution   AHS. The syndrome often emerges following a
             of its remedies, which often results in no active   stroke or brain surgery and is frequently linked to
             molecules remaining. Despite this, it (14)‑‑‑‑    neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s
             considerable popularity worldwide, and some       or Alzheimer’s. (20)‑‑‑‑ a definitive cure for this
             studies suggest that it may exert a placebo effect in   condition has yet to be identified, it is possible
             certain conditions. (15)‑‑‑‑, it is crucial to note that   to manage the symptoms through cognitive
             homeopathy should not be used as a substitute for   behavioural therapy along with visual distraction
             conventional medical treatments for severe or     techniques.
             life-threatening illnesses.
          11.                                                  A) coordinately        B) unconfidently
             A) to have developed       B) to develop
                                                               C) connectedly         D) simultaneously
             C) having developed        D) developed
                                                                         E) independently
                        E) being developed
          12.                                                  A) Contrary to         B) Instead of
             A) by virtue of          B) unlike                C) As a result of              D) In addition to
             C) instead of           D) for all                          E) Thanks to

                        E) such as
          13.                                                  A) to be connected        B) being connected
             A) for                                B) against     C) to have connected     D) to connect

             C) as                   D) about
                                                                         E) connecting
                        E) from
                                                               A) among               B) towards
             A) grows                       B) courts
                                                               C) below                          D) between
             C) seeks                        D) retains
                                                                         E) through
                        E) spreads

                                                               A) Provided that             B) Although
             A) Likewise                     B) However
                                                               C) Because                    D) By the time
             C) Besides                        D) Therefore
                                                                         E) In order that
                        E) Namely
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