P. 82

35.  The human body has an inherent ability      36.  Sleep apnoea occurs when the muscles in
             to heal itself, and naturopathy is a form of      the upper airway relax during sleep, causing
             alternative medicine that relies on this ability.   breathing interruptions and airflow blockage
             It takes a holistic approach to healthcare by     through the nose and mouth. If left untreated,
             focusing on the root causes of illness and        it can lead to significant health issues. A
             promoting complete wellness, and it aims          recent study found a positive correlation
             to strengthen the body’s vital force or           between sleep apnoea and reduced bone
             self‑healing mechanisms, empowering               density in adult individuals. Using cone beam
             individuals to take an active role in their       computed tomography, researchers measured
             health. ---- They give priority to preventive     bone density in the head and neck of 38
             measures and try to create balance in the         adults, half of whom had sleep apnoea. The
             body, mind, and spirit. However, it is important   results showed that those with sleep apnoea
             to consult with a qualified naturopathic          had lower bone density, likely due to reduced
             practitioner for personalised treatment plans     oxygen levels and inflammation in the body.
             and guidance.                                     ‑‑‑‑
             A)  The practice of naturopathy varies between    A)  Furthermore, people with severe sleep
                 countries as official regulations and licencing   apnoea had greater white matter brain
                 requirements differ.                              damage than those who had more deep
             B)  Naturopathy also emphasises disease
                 prevention by empowering individuals to       B)  Individuals aged 50 and above suffer from
                 make healthy lifestyle choices.                   both low bone density and sleep difficulties,
                                                                   resulting in significant health issues.
             C)  Naturopathic medicine uses natural
                 ingredients such as herbs and mushrooms to    C)  This could disrupt the normal bone renewal
                 supplement personalised diets.                    process and increase the risk of fractures
                                                                   and tooth loss.
             D)  Naturopathic practitioners employ a variety of
                 natural therapies, including herbal medicine,   D)  In addition, the presence of depressive
                 lifestyle counselling, and physical therapy.      symptoms is relatively common in adults with
                                                                   sleep apnoea.
             E)  Patients should consult with trained
                 practitioners and inform their doctors about   E)  The diagnosis of sleep apnea has the
                 any alternative treatments.                       potential to affect the planning and
                                                                   management of a patient’s treatment.

                                             Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı
   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87