P. 91


                    Cultural Heritage beyond Buildings and Borders

             When we think of cultural heritage, we usually visualise  monuments, historical buildings, and archaeological
             sites. However, it encompasses  much more than just these physical structures; it includes all forms of human
             creativity and expression. In fact, today, it has grown to involve all aspects of a community’s identity, such as
             the natural environment and underwater heritage. This broader definition also includes immaterial elements
             like traditions, oral history, performing arts, and traditional craftsmanship passed down  from generation
             to generation. Such intangible  heritage examples include Japanese Kabuki theatre, Spanish flamenco,
             the Mediterranean diet, and Kazakh falconry. Nonetheless, cultural heritage is not solely an assortment  of
             objects or traditions from the past. It results from a selection process where societies choose what is worthy of
             being preserved for future generations. While the term ‘cultural heritage’ may conjure up  (6)  images of a single
             society and its members, cultural boundaries are not always well-defined. All peoples contribute to the world’s
             culture, which is why all cultural heritage should be universally  respected and safeguarded. National laws and
             international treaties can help protect it from illicit  trafficking by private collectors or foreign museums and the
             destruction of historical sites. For this reason, UNESCO has adopted international conventions on the protection
             of cultural heritage to promote intercultural understanding and highlight the importance of international
             cooperation in preserving this legacy.  With proper conservation strategies, we can retain an immensely  (10)
             valuable part of our history and identity so the coming generations will be able to appreciate and learn from it.

          a  Choose the correct meaning of the highlighted and numbered words and phrases in the

             1.   A to contain something as part of a whole  6.   A to bring something to someone’s mind
                 B to make something happen or exist             B to predict the future or a future event
                 C to have a picture of something in mind        C to cause something to be or to happen
             2.   A to be closely equivalent to something    7.   A with extreme force or strength
                 B to include a large number of things           B as far as one knows or can see
                 C to keep something out of a place              C by everyone; in every case
             3.   A to give something freely as a donation   8.   A conforming to the law or to rules
                 B to transfer knowledge to the young            B not legally permitted or acceptable
                 C to return something to its legal owner        C in accordance with reason or logic
             4.   A not able to be touched or measured       9.   A something received from an ancestor
                 B based on what is generally done               B the action or process of collaborating
                 C fulfilling expectations or objectives         C a field or domain of activity or interest
             5.   A property that is or may be inherited     10.  A in an orderly manner
                 B the state of being respected by many          B with a clear meaning
                 C a miscellaneous collection of things          C to a very great extent

         b  Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words given below.
                            illicit                   intangible                   visualise
                                        immensely                   universally
             1.   Many ancient sites have been looted worldwide, and the trafficking of cultural property    has
                 led to the loss of important historical artefacts.
             2.   The             of cultural heritage highlights the commonalities and shared experiences that connect
                 humanity across different time periods and geographic regions.
             3.   Using modern technology such as photogrammetry and laser scanning, one can create a highly detailed
                 and accurate 3D             of archaeological sites.
             4.   The             of the World Heritage Sites is awe-inspiring in that it showcases the achievements of
                 human civilisation and the natural wonders that have been preserved so far.
             5.   We can benefit           from the preservation of cultural heritage, for example by gaining a deeper
                 understanding of our shared history and strengthening social cohesion.
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