P. 94
For the questions 11–15, choose the best word For the questions 16–20, choose the best word
or expression to fill the spaces in the passage. or expression to fill the spaces in the passage.
A classical rickshaw is a two-wheeled vehicle with ‘Dark heritage’ refers to the remnants (16)‑‑‑‑
a doorless, chairlike body and a foldable hood past events often associated with destruction
that carries one or two passengers and (11)‑‑‑‑ and suffering. Dark heritage sites are places like
primarily by a man. Its invention created many battlefields and prisons that are linked to traumatic
job opportunities for male labourers from the late historical events. While visiting them may shed
19 to mid-20 century across many Asian cities, light on the darker aspects of history, they can also
(12)‑‑‑‑ its once being inexpensive and popular provoke fear and anxiety (17)‑‑‑‑ their connection
mode of transportation. Even though its origins with violence and trauma. Conserving these sites
are not entirely clear and the topic (13)‑‑‑‑ truly can prove challenging (18)‑‑‑‑ they may have
disputed, it is commonly considered that it came conflicting meanings for different groups of people.
from Japan and was invented in 1869. (14)‑‑‑‑, Nonetheless, many people believe (19)‑‑‑‑ and
with the ascent of automobiles and the advent of honouring the victims of past brutalities by preserving
cycles and autorickshaws, it lost its popularity on and visiting these sites is essential. Although there is
the streets over time. Today, the only place where no UNESCO World Heritage category that explicitly
a large-scale rickshaw operation can still be designates dark heritage, sites like the Hiroshima
found is Kolkata, India, and traditional rickshaws Peace Memorial in Japan, the sole structure (20)‑‑‑‑
can also be found (15)‑‑‑‑ Japan as a cultural the world’s first atomic attack, immediately spring to
experience for tourists. mind when tragic events in history are concerned. It
highlights the devastation caused by nuclear warfare
11. and the importance of safeguarding these sites for
A) is being pulled the coming generations.
B) is pulled 16.
C) has been pulled A) from B) behind
D) had been pulled C) over D) beyond
E) was pulled E) within
A) similar to B) in addition to A) contrary to B) in spite of
C) on behalf of D) as well as
C) in spite of D) in terms of
E) because of
E) owing to
A) even if B) since
A) remains B) investigates
C) unless D) much as
C) increases D) proves
E) as if
E) keeps
14. A) overdramatising B) compensating
A) As a result B) Instead
C) commemorating D) individualising
C) However D) Moreover
E) discriminating
E) Therefore
A) over B) alongside
A) withstanding B) to be withstanding
C) of D) throughout
C) to withstand D) having withstood
E) from
E) to be withstood
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