P. 92

c  Read the passage and choose the correct        d  Choose the best option to complete the
             answer for the questions below.                   missing part of the passage.

          1.  Which of the following can be said about         The term ‘natural heritage’ denotes a wealth of
             cultural heritage?                                natural resources and ecosystems that have
             A)  Unlike what many think, it involves more      been inherited from previous generations. ----
                 than just a collection of historical artefacts or   These natural heritage sites serve as critical
                 customs.                                      habitats for countless species, many of which
             B)  Few preservation efforts are required to      are rare or endangered, and also provide
                 protect the unique identity and history of a   sustenance to humanity in the form of pure
                 community or nation.                          water and other vital resources. Regrettably,
             C)  It extends beyond tangible objects and is     many of these sites are now in harm’s way
                                                               due to deforestation, mining, and pollution,
                 mostly shaped by individual actions, not by   which jeopardises their contributions to
                 societal choices.                             ecological and societal well-being.
             D)  Successful collaborations between local
                 communities and foreign museums are           A)  The negative impact of climate change on
                 needed for its promotion.                        natural heritage sites cannot be ignored,
             E)  Besides inspiring the coming generations, it     as extreme weather events can cause
                 can help them understand their roots without     irreversible damage.
                 feeling lost.                                 B)  This includes an array of life forms, such
                                                                  as flora and fauna, as well as geological
                                                                  features like mountains, rivers, and forests.
                                                               C)  One of the ways to preserve natural
                                                                  heritage sites is through ecotourism, which
                                                                  encourages conservation efforts in local
          2.  It can be understood from the passage that          communities.
             intangible heritage ----.                         D)  Though natural heritage sites are important
             A)  is protected solely by national laws rather      for their ecological and economic value, they
                 than those universally accepted                  also hold cultural significance for the locals.
             B)  is at risk of being lost as a result of illicit   E)  Some countries implement policies such as
                 trafficking and commercialisation                reforestation to restore degraded natural
             C)  refers only to physical structures like          heritage sites and protect biodiversity.
                 monuments and archaeological sites
             D)  should be preserved along with material
                 heritage for future generations           e  Choose the irrelevant sentence in the
             E)  cannot be separated from a community’s        passage.
                 identity and its natural environment
                                                               (I) Underwater heritage sites are gaining
                                                               momentum as tourist hotspots thanks to the
                                                               unique experience they offer. (II) These sites
                                                               can encompass shipwrecks, ancient artefacts,
                                                               or even sunken cities; however, tourism can
          3.  According to the passage, the purpose of         pose a threat to these fragile submerged
             UNESCO is to ----.                                environments. (III) Underwater photography can
             A)  protect cultural heritage within a single     be a great way to raise awareness about the
                 society by fostering global collaboration     beauty of these sites and the need to protect
             B)  define cultural boundaries between societies   them. (IV) Snorkellers, divers, and photographers
                 through international conventions             can accidentally damage the sites, and pollution
             C)  draw up commercial treaties with private      can further harm them. (V) Therefore, it is
                 collectors to buy cultural heritage items     imperative to balance the preservation of these
             D)  impose cultural values on a global basis so   invaluable cultural treasures with responsible
                 that all cultures become the same             tourism practices that allow visitors to enjoy them
             E)  establish international agreements aimed at   while keeping their footprints small.
                 safeguarding cultural heritage                A) I     B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V

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