P. 89


                                         Mobility and Society

             Mobility is one of the most crucial characteristics of human activities since it meets the basic demands of
             commuting as well as a need shared by passengers and freight for different purposes. Irrespective of its
             purpose, mobility makes it possible for social and economic activities to come about, along with connecting and
             exchanging cultures. Advancements in technology that enhanced operating features, including speed, range,
             and comfort, have ultimately contributed to breakthroughs in mobility throughout history. Never has the world
             been so conveniently accessible through planes, trains, vehicles, and more. Once people embark on a journey
             thousands of miles away through common modes of transportation like land, water, and air vehicles, they
             discover unique means of transportation belonging to the destination itself, reflecting various social, cultural, and
             behavioural traits. The endeavour of many places to preserve their traditional transportation modes still draws
             tourists’ attention, boosting financial opportunities for them. While prevalent vehicles make the journey quick
             and easy, cultural transportation, on the other hand, adds enjoyable moments to the exploration experience.
             Moreover, each unique, defined cultural transportation type has an impressive story. For instance, the world’s
             cycling capital, Amsterdam, is known for its cycling culture, which was especially aroused owing to fatal
             automobile accidents in 1971. In response to a huge social movement that highlighted the jeopardy of cars, the
             government created more bicycle lanes with better conditions and traffic signals for cyclists. Now, bike racks are
             aligned on every sidewalk, and the number of bikes has surpassed that of residents.
          a  Match the highlighted words and phrases in the passage to the definitions below.

             1.               : in a way that is useful, easy, or quick to do; in a way that does not cause problems
             2.               : in the end; after a series of things have happened
             3.               : to arrange something in the correct position, especially in a straight line
             4.               : to travel regularly by bus, train, car, etc. between a place of work and home
             5.               : an attempt to do something, especially something new or difficult
             6.               : making people admire them, because they are very large, good, skilful, etc.
             7.               : to start to do something new or difficult
             8.               : that exists or is very common at a particular time or in a particular place
             9.               : the hazard or risk of or exposure to loss, harm, death, or injury
            10.               : to happen; take place
          b  Rewrite the sentences below considering the original meaning of each sentence and using the
             words in parentheses.
             1.   The quality of lives of societies and people in terms of social and cultural activities has thus been improved
                 efficiently thanks to the magnificent advancements in the modes of transportation. (impressive)

             2.   Transportation infrastructure and design have eventually been influenced by cultural values and aesthetics,
                 just as seen in the Streamline Moderne design movement of the 20  century. (ultimately)

             3.   Due to possible dangers to the environment or health, walking or cycling may be preferred in some regions
                 over driving or using public transportation to go to work. (jeopardy)

             4.   It sometimes requires many people to waste extraordinary effort to find their parked car among the
                 adjusted vehicles in the parking lot, in particular in shopping centres. (endeavour)

             5.   Not being a traditional mode of transportation interwoven with culture, aeroplanes will always remain a
                 unique outcome of humans’ technological advancement among common vehicles. (prevalent)

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