P. 104
c Read the passage and choose the correct d Choose the best word or expression to fill
answer for the questions below. the spaces in the passage.
1. According to the passage, by creating a Reading different genres can greatly benefit
fictional universe, ----. readers, as it can open up new perspectives,
A) authors fail to challenge dominant narratives introduce them to unfamiliar authors, and
as a result of non-factual limitations enhance their overall reading experience. (1)‑‑‑‑,
B) authors can draw attention to real-world science fiction or fantasy can take readers to new
issues that they believe should be dealt with worlds and challenge their imagination, while
C) more control over individuals’ lives is gained poetry or memoirs can evoke empathy and raise
in fictitious dystopian worlds emotional intelligence. However, a recent survey
found that most American adults only read (2)‑‑‑‑
D) readers can escape reality and forget about a single genre, indicating a need for more diverse
everyday-life problems bothering them reading habits. By embracing various genres,
E) fictional narratives become irrelevant to readers can (3)‑‑‑‑ their preferences and discover
contemporary social and political issues new authors, all while boosting their vocabulary,
writing skills, and creativity. (4)‑‑‑‑ this, exploring
various literary genres can help readers develop
as writers and communicators by exposing
them to fresh ideas and viewpoints. (5)‑‑‑‑ with
dissimilar cultures and experiences, readers can
2. Both publications mentioned in the passage gain a deeper understanding of the world around
----. them. It is thus imperative that readers diversify
their reading choices to expand their knowledge
A) disregard historical accuracy in favour of and stimulate their thinking.
creative storytelling
B) offer fresh perspectives on lesser-known or 1.
marginalised historical events A) Nonetheless B) Furthermore
C) present factual analyses of historical events
and social issues C) In conclusion D) For instance
D) delve into the spiritual realms of supernatural E) That is to say
and mystical phenomena
E) employ literary genres to question social and 2.
political issues
A) within B) beyond
C) across D) outside
E) upon
3. What is the primary purpose of the author? A) entitle B) justify
A) To argue that dystopian and science fiction C) refine D) imply
genres are more effective than historical
fiction E) ensure
B) To criticise the use of dystopian and
historical fiction genres for social and political 4.
commentary A) Regardless of B) Apart from
C) To analyse the impact of dystopian and
historical fiction genres on contemporary C) In advance of D) As regards
society E) In case of
D) To compare the effectiveness of dystopian
and historical fiction genres in addressing 5.
E) To highlight the significance of literary genres A) Connecting B) Having connected
such as dystopian and historical fiction C) To connect D) Being connected
E) Connected
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