P. 126
c Read the passage and choose the correct d Choose the best word or expression to fill
answer for the questions below. the spaces in the passage.
1. According to the passage, the space race ----. The history of astronomy (1)‑‑‑‑ thousands of years
A) began with the launch of Sputnik 1 by ago, with ancient civilisations like the Babylonians
the Soviets in 1957 and led to significant and Egyptians making observations for various
advancements in science practical purposes, including timekeeping and
B) was a period of intense rivalry between the agriculture. The ancient Greeks developed
United States and the Soviet Union during geocentric models of the universe, which (2)‑‑‑‑
the Cold War that the Earth was the centre of the cosmos.
C) resulted in Soviet dominance in space after (3)‑‑‑‑, this was challenged in the 16 century
Yuri Gagarin’s historic orbital flight to the by Copernicus, who introduced the heliocentric
Moon in 1961 model and placed the Sun at the centre. The
Renaissance era witnessed the refinement of
D) focused on the economic growth of the telescopes. Astronomers like Galileo Galilei made
nations involved, with limited emphasis on groundbreaking observations, including Jupiter’s
scientific achievements moons and the phases of Venus, which supported
E) was a peaceful era of international the heliocentric theory. (4)‑‑‑‑ Johannes Kepler’s
cooperation, with scientists working laws of planetary motion, Isaac Newton’s work
harmoniously to explore space on gravity provided a fundamental framework
for understanding celestial mechanics. Today,
2. Which of the following is true according to the astronomy continues to push boundaries (5)‑‑‑‑
passage? advancements like Edwin Hubble’s discovery of the
A) The space race primarily served as a catalyst expanding universe and the development of space
telescopes, uncovering mysteries such as black
for rapid industrialisation in the United States holes and exoplanets.
and the Soviet Union.
B) Significant advancements in science and 1.
technology contributed to long-term global A) would begin B) has begun
cooperation in space exploration. C) had begun D) was beginning
C) Political tensions during the Cold War were
heightened by the space race, but it had E) began
limited scientific implications.
D) The Apollo programme was solely a 2.
competition for ideological and technological A) isolated B) divided
supremacy, with no benefits to society.
E) People used to believe that space travel was C) proposed D) disclosed
impossible for humankind due to the lack of E) wired
major innovations in rocketry.
3. One can understand from the passage that ----. A) However B) Therefore
A) the Apollo programme was mainly about C) In addition D) Instead
lunar exploration and overshadowed other
scientific pursuits E) For instance
B) daring astronauts and visionary scientists
focused only on the economic and industrial 4.
growth of their nations A) Owing to B) On behalf of
C) all of the projects were primarily interested C) By means of D) Except for
in raising their national flags and leaving
footprints on the Moon E) Along with
D) the space race unexpectedly led to
substantial advancements in various fields 5.
and a renewed focus on education A) upon B) through
E) the history of space travel began with a
basketball-sized satellite but ended with C) into D) from
broader scientific achievements E) against
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