P. 146
c Read the passage and choose the correct d Choose the best option to complete the
answer for the questions below. missing part of the passage.
1. According to the passage, what are the main Food security is a crucial global issue,
causes of water scarcity? including the availability, accessibility,
A) Escalating industrial water consumption and utilisation, and stability of food supplies.
the subsequent loss of critical habitats. Availability refers to the consistent presence
B) Severe health crises like cholera and of sufficient food supplies, while accessibility
dysentery, inordinately affecting populations. relates to the economic and physical means
C) A combination of factors such as population individuals have to obtain the food they
need. Utilisation focuses on the quality and
growth, climate change, and poor water
management. safety of the food consumed. Stability, on
the other hand, concerns the vulnerability of
D) Environmental degradation leading to a food access to shocks like price fluctuations,
decline in biodiversity and harm to aquatic natural disasters, or conflicts. ---- Various
ecosystems. international organisations, governments,
E) Joint efforts aimed at sustainable water and NGOs work to combat it through food aid,
management practices for equitable resource nutrition programmes, sustainable agriculture,
distribution. and poverty reduction strategies.
A) Food security can lead to malnutrition, health
problems, social unrest, and economic
2. Water scarcity affects agriculture by ----. stagnation, hindering overall development.
A) managing the demands of a region’s B) Food should not only be nutritious but also
ecosystem align with the dietary and cultural preferences
B) resulting in an adequate supply of water for of the population.
farming practices C) Individuals should have the economic
C) leading to poor sanitation and serious health resources to obtain the food they need, a
crises concept known as affordability.
D) causing food insecurity and reduced crop D) Food insecurity can stem from factors
yields such as poverty, conflicts, climate change,
E) increasing the costs of water for households economic instability, or disruptions in food
and businesses supply chains.
E) As the global population grows, addressing
food security requires sustainable
3. Which of the following is true according to the innovations in food production and
passage? distribution.
A) A globally coordinated effort, including e Choose the irrelevant sentence in the
sustainable water management practices, passage.
is needed to mitigate the multifaceted
challenges of water scarcity. (I) The threat of nuclear proliferation—the
B) Population growth, climate change, and poor continued spread of nuclear weapons—remains
water management form a minor part of the a serious concern in the modern world and
complex web of factors contributing to water poses significant risks to international security.
scarcity. (II) These weapons, with their destructive power,
C) Agricultural production should be reduced to can result in catastrophic consequences if they
conserve water resources, which is required fall into the wrong hands. (III) One example of
to simultaneously enhance agricultural a nuclear proliferation concern is the potential
sustainability. environmental damage caused by nuclear testing.
D) The rising costs of water for households (IV) Efforts to prevent further proliferation have
and businesses are the potential benefits of included international agreements and diplomatic
achieving economic growth and industrial negotiations. (V) However, they face ongoing
development. challenges as some nations pursue nuclear
E) Water scarcity stems from natural factors like acquisition or expansion, which highlights the
climate change, and therefore, it is beyond urgent need for worldwide cooperation to address
the scope of human intervention or global this pressing issue.
cooperation. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
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