P. 147


           For the questions 1–10, choose the best word
           or expression to fill the space.

          1.  Those who suffer from paranoid ‑‑‑‑ often    6.  Globally, millions of people are ---- housed
             experience intense fear and suspicion towards     and live in unstable conditions, such as
             others, believing that they are being watched,    crowded and crumbling apartments, makeshift
             followed, or plotted against.                     shelters, or even on the streets.
             A) concepts        B) outcomes                    A) inordinately    B) expansively
             C) scarcities      D) delusions                   C) deliberately    D) satisfactorily

                        E) conventions                                   E) insecurely

          2.  The lack of exposure to diverse perspectives   7.  The educational system of a country begins
             and new ideas may contribute to cultural          to ‑‑‑‑ provided that critical investments in
             ‑‑‑‑, which hinders societal progress and         teacher training and resources are neglected.
             innovation.                                       A) escalate        B) persist
             A) coherence       B) existence
                                                               C) fluctuate       D) function
             C) stagnation      D) mentality
                                                                         E) deteriorate
                        E) literacy

          3.  ---- learning refers to the process by which   8.  Employing various teaching methods in
             an organism acquires knowledge and skills         the classroom ‑‑‑‑ a dynamic and engaging
             without demonstrating them immediately,           learning environment where students are
             often revealing itself later when needed.         actively involved in the learning process.
             A) Formal          B) Latent                      A) impede          B) populate
             C) Deviant         D) Urgent                      C) distort         D) facilitate
                        E) Inclusive                                     E) perceive

          4.  An ---- distribution of wealth can cause social   9.  Melancholy often manifests when one spends
             unrest and economic instability since it          too much time ‑‑‑‑ the past or getting lost in
             widens the gap between the rich and the poor.     bittersweet memories of days gone by.
             A) inequitable     B) unequivocal                 A) dwelling on     B) putting aside
             C) irreciprocal     D) augmented                  C) attending to    D) fading away
                        E) incessant                                     E) taking over

          5.  ---- acceptable behaviours are those that align   10.  The excessive exploitation of natural
             with societal norms and values, most of which     resources ---- the principles of sustainable
             have been established through cultural and        development and poses a significant threat to
             historical influences.                            our planet’s future.
             A) Morally         B) Individually                A) phases in       B) springs from
             C) Bleakly         D) Empirically                 C) looks after     D) goes against

                        E) Sanitarily                                    E) roots out

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