P. 154
35. ‑‑‑‑ These concerns have led to a growing 36. Positive psychology places particular
realisation that individuals’ online activities emphasis on two types of well-being:
and personal data are not only monetised hedonic and eudaimonic. ---- However, when
for profit but also vulnerable to exploitation. people have a hedonic experience, like
As a result, calls for stronger data protection attending social gatherings or dining at fancy
measures, more transparent data practices, restaurants, they may derive great pleasure
and individual data ownership rights have from these activities, but the increased sense
gained momentum. The need to balance of well-being may not last long and will
innovation with safeguarding personal privacy eventually return to normal levels. Conversely,
in the digital age has become a central theme eudaimonic happiness centres around a
in the ongoing discourse around digital deeper sense of well-being that comes from
privacy, underlining the urgency of striking living in harmony with one’s values, finding
the right balance to protect individuals while purpose, and achieving self-fulfilment.
enabling the benefits of technology and Studies indicate that both forms of happiness
connectivity. contribute uniquely to individuals’ overall
well-being and are equally essential for
A) Privacy breaches over data sharing have maximising happiness.
pushed companies to adopt more strict
privacy policies and transparency measures. A) Hedonic well-being is essential for a
satisfying life, but achieving a harmonious
B) The balance between security and privacy combination of the two can result in lasting
has been a controversial issue, especially in
the context of mass surveillance programs. happiness.
B) Happiness is considered to be a positive
C) Digital privacy is a significant global concern emotional state; nevertheless, interpretations
that has garnered attention due to the rapid of this optimistic state can vary among
growth of potential privacy violations.
D) The rise of social media platforms, online C) The concept of hedonic happiness was first
ads, and smart devices has raised concerns introduced by Aristippus, who believed that
about personal data collection and usage.
the primary goal in life should be to maximise
E) Cybersecurity has emerged as a paramount pleasure.
global issue, transcending borders and D) In numerous nations, there is a consistent
impacting nations and individuals across the
world. correlation between life satisfaction and both
higher levels of income and education.
E) Hedonic well-being prioritises positive
emotions and overall life satisfaction, seeking
immediate pleasure and avoiding pain.
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