Page 93 - İngilizce Sınıf İçi Değerlendirme
P. 93




                                             Very Good                     Good
                     Criteria                                                                    Improvement
                                                 (3)                        (2)
                                     The   paragraph   is   well- The paragraph is mostly  The paragraph is
                                     organised.                  organised.                 disorganised. The
                                     The topic is clearly stated, and  The content point is partly  focus of the supporting
             Organisation            the content point is elaborated  elaborated with supporting  sentences is far from the
                                     with supporting ideas.      ideas.                     topic, and the conclusion
                                     The conclusion is generalised  The conclusion does not  is irrelevant to the overall
                                     appropriately.              fully cover the topic.     content.
                                     The paragraph has a single   The paragraph’s focus is   The paragraph lacks
                                     focus related to supporting   mostly consistent with the   cohesion and coherence.
                                     sentences.                  topic.                     The sequencers
             Coherence and           Sequencers are applied      There are minor misuses of   are either not used
             Cohesion                appropriately to demonstrate   sequencers.             appropriately or not used
                                     the order of the ideas.                                at all.

                                     Grammatical structures are   Most grammatical          Most grammatical
                                     used appropriately.         structures are used        structures are used
                                     There are no inaccuracies   accurately.                inaccurately, and the
             Grammar                 that disrupt communication.  There are occasional      inaccuracies cause
                                                                 inaccuracies that do not   serious disruptions in
                                                                 cause a serious disruption   communication.
                                                                 in communication.
                                     A wide range of vocabulary   A good range of vocabulary   A limited range of
                                     is used accurately, and the   is used and is occasionally   vocabulary is used, and it
                                     vocabulary used is relevant   inaccurate.              is mostly inaccurate and
             Vocabulary              to the subject.             The vocabulary is mostly   irrelevant to the topic.
                                                                 relevant to the topic.

             TOTAL SCORE

             The highest score that can be obtained from this rubric is 12, and the lowest score is 4.

   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98