Page 97 - İngilizce Sınıf İçi Değerlendirme
P. 97



                                               PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT

                                           BOOKING A TABLE AT A RESTAURANT
             In this task, you are expected to work in pairs and ask as a customer and answer as a check-in desk officer the
             following questions and some other questions about booking a room at a hotel. Keep in mind that the given phrases
             / sentences / questions are some examples for you.

             Before you start:
             Examine the phrases / sentences / questions below and think about the possible replies.

               Phrases / Sentences / Questions for a check-in   Phrases / Sentences / Questions for a customer
                                desk officer
             How can I help you?                               I’d like to make a reservation for the weekend.
             When is it for?                                   I would like to book a (single / double / twin) room for
             How many rooms do you want?                       two nights.
             Let me check for the vacancies.                   I will check in on Friday.
             We have vacancies available.                      Do you have any vacancies?
             Could I take a contact number?                    Do you have any double rooms left for the weekend?
             Your reservation is done.                         What’s the price per night?
             May I have your name / surname?                   How much is a single room / double room?
                                                               What time is check-in / check-out?
                                                               Do you have a car park?
                                                               Is breakfast included?

             During the activity:
             While you are asking and answering questions, you and your pair are expected to record your voice using a voice
             recorder or take a video of the conversation.

             You have 20 minutes to plan, talk, and complete the activity.

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