Page 99 - İngilizce Sınıf İçi Değerlendirme
P. 99



              SUBJECT                  ENGLISH

              GRADE                    10

              THEME                    Travel

                                       E10.5.S2. Students will be able to book a room at a hotel / a table in a restaurant
              LEARNING OUTCOME

              COGNITIVE STAGE          Apply

              RECOMMENDED TIME         10 minutes

              ASSESSMENT TOOL          Structured Grid

                                       Students are expected to read and understand the questions / statements of
              WHAT IS EXPECTED         different people at a hotel or a restaurant and answer the questions about them
              FROM STUDENTS
                                       correctly by focusing on the specific information in them.
                                       Answer Key
                                       I. 1, 4, 8, 9
                                       II. 2, 3, 5, 6, 7
                                       III. 2, 6, 7
                                       IV. 1, 4, 9
                                       V. 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8

                                       Sample Key 1:
                                       Suppose that the student answers the first question correctly by choosing ‘1, 4,
                                       8, and 9’  for question I by doing all of them correctly.
                                       In this case,
                                       C1= Number of correctly selected boxes,
                                       C2= Total number of correct boxes,
                                       C3= Number of incorrectly selected boxes,
                                       C4= Total number of incorrect boxes,
              ASSESSMENT               so it is;
                                       C1 = 4, C2 = 4, C3 = 0, and C4 = 5.
                                       The formula will be: (C1:C2) – (C3:C4) = 4/4 – 0/5 = 1.
                                       When the formula above is applied, it is seen that the result is 1.
                                       The result obtained by adding 1 to this value and multiplying by 5 shows the
                                       student’s score.
                                       (1+1)  5= 10 points
                                       Sample Key 2:
                                       Suppose that the student answers ‘1, 4, 6, and 7’ for question I.
                                       In this case,
                                       C1 = 2, C2 = 4, C3 = 2, and C4 = 5.
                                       (C1:C2) – (C3:C4) = 2/4 – 2/5 = 0.1.
                                       When 1 is added to the found value and multiplied by 5, the result is 5.5, which shows
                                       the student' s overall score.

                                       Students who choose the wrong boxes are recommended to the phrases /
                                       sentences / questions about booking a room at a hotel / a table in a restaurant. If
              FEEDBACK                 the boxes are chosen incorrectly by the majority of the class, it is recommended
                                       that the teacher re-teach the topic, and correct learning deficiencies and

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