Page 103 - İngilizce Sınıf İçi Değerlendirme
P. 103



              SUBJECT                  ENGLISH

              GRADE                    10

              THEME                    Helpful Tips
                                       E10.6.S1. Students will be able to talk about the consequences of wasting energy
              LEARNING OUTCOME

              COGNITIVE STAGE          Analyse

              RECOMMENDED TIME         40 minutes

              ASSESSMENT TOOL          Open-Ended Question

              WHAT IS EXPECTED         Students are expected to give correct answers after they have read the passage
              FROM STUDENTS            about the consequences of wasting energy sources.
                                       Possible Answers
                                       1. Their running out in the future and causing environmental harm because of the
                                       gases they produce that contribute to global warming and climate change.
                                       2. Producing energy requires resources and money; if we waste energy, we also
                                       lose money and resources. This means we end up paying more for energy than
                                       we should.

                                       3. By reducing the amount of non-renewable energy sources we use, we can
                                       reduce the environmental harm due to their production and use. The less energy
                                       we use, the less we need to produce, which means less fossil fuels must be taken
                                       from the ground and burned, releasing harmful pollutants into the air.
                                       4. Using non-renewable energy sources can harm the environment, waste money,
              ASSESSMENT               and run out in the future.
                                       5. By making lifestyle changes, improving energy efficiency, and developing
                                       or  investing  in  new  and  alternative  energy  sources.  Another  way  to  address
                                       the problem of non-renewable energy sources running out is to encourage
                                       conservation. By using less energy and consuming fewer resources, we can
                                       reduce our reliance on non-renewable sources and extend their lifespan. We can
                                       help to extend the lifespan of non-renewable sources and transition towards a
                                       more sustainable energy future.
                                       The student will receive 1 point for each correct answer. The highest score a
                                       student can get is 5. Some keywords and key phrases as to the answer to the
                                       questions are also acceptable for an answer to be correct.

                                       Considering the results of the assessment, it is recommended that further studies
              FEEDBACK                 be carried out to eliminate students’ learning gaps related to the topic of ‘wasting
                                       energy sources’.

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